


5 years, 10 months ago


Vegas Spencer

- Government agent (fbi), studied marine biology

- Works for Marlow's task force

- An active cryptozoologist and ufologist

- Lives in Chicago but works in Seattle

- Loves cars, car mods and all kinds of mechanic installations

- Goes to a gun range few times a week

- Very energetic and full of life

- Loud

- Reliable 

Logical thinking

Emotional thinking

Mental strength

Great improviser
Sensitive deep down

- Physical fighting- Sensitive people
- Guns- Leos
- Arguments- Classical music
- Cars- Anime convention people
- Anime and cartoons- Bad reception

Bodytype Strong, feminine

Hair Short, dyed red

Wardrobe navy blue, camo green, army clothes, reflective materials, skimpy clothes, leather jackets, bombers and her taskforce outfit (THIS IS HER MAIN OUTFIT!! >>CLICK<<) Feel free to give her any outfit you'd like though!


She is quite feminine, yet built for physical activities. Her hips are quite wide, breasts ample in size and silhouette far more girly than her personality. 

Her body is energetic and even muscly, even though you can't see it at first glance.  Her face is very childish and emotive, her eyes being fairly big and brown colored. Her resting face is a bit smug or cocky, but she doesn't really relize that's what's going on. Her eyebrows are short and angry, dark in color. Vegas's hair is burgundy red color, cut jaw-length or shorter. She loves to hang out naked. 

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Vegas and Marble have known each other for a long time, and have become very close. Vegas often helps her colleague and friend with her young child Petey, who got dragged into the taskforce's investigation. Marble and Vegas share everything with each other, Vegas disapproving of some of Marble's secrets. 


Friendly yet complicated relationship. Marlow is Vegas's boss, but also a friendly face. Marlow's morals make it hard for Vegas to respect him, but still somehow she does. She appreciates his hard work and committment to his taskforce. 


A fairly new and developing relationship. These two got introduced to each other when they joined the task force.


Marble's child, that Vegas feels like she should protect. She's kind of like a big sister figure to him.

• Vegas is an absolute daredevil. She enjoys extreme activities such as skydiving, bungee jumping and rock climbing.

• Vegas likes politics, leaning more to the left. 

• Vegas loves swimming.

• She also loves guns and loves to visit a gun range near her house. She owns a gun for self protection, she doesn't believe in hunting. 

• Naturally flirty, even though she doesn't always mean to be. 

• Enjoys attention.

• Loves being naked!

NameVegas Spencer
Gender Female
AlignmentChaotic good
ZodiacPisces / aries influence

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