


9 months, 23 days ago


General Info

Name: Ivala
Age: 30
Birthday: May 1st
Gender: Female
Height: 5'11

Distinguishing features
Wrapped in a dark cloak she wears a silver mask to cover her face, she often looks cloaked before attacking someone.

Current home: None
Occupation: Gun for hire
Relationship status: Unknown
Social status: Well off


Likes: Wine, Puns, She really likes puns, Winning bets
Dislikes: Getting wet, slippery rooftops, Rats
Fears: ???
Hobbies/past times: Sculking, Reading, Looking great
Guilty pleasures: Really bad puns
Pet peeves: Those invading her personal space outside of battle
Personal goals: Vengeance is a sweet victory
General intelligence: Very high
General sociability: Very sociable

Ivala likes who she likes and hates those she doesn't, if you happen to be outside those qualifying factors she does not care for you. For those she likes she is often kind and willing to help with smaller tasks but still needs some convincing for larger tasks, usually money. For those she hates she will go about anyway of making sure they know it. She also tends to have an ego around her appearance despite the fact that she barely shows off her appearance 



"You know who you are."
Orion- For unknown reasons Ivala has a chip on her shoulder heavily relating to Orion, and she won't explain why other than that its probably petty or for a reason
LucyWhile a Rival to Lucy she is up for training the developing fighter to get back at Orion

Friends (currently)
Cloake - Mutuals from Orion, rather fond of dueling with each other despite Ivala not being an actual duelist
Strike - 

Love interest
"Ha, not at the moment"
Osiris - Meeting him early in her career she constantly thinks she has something better than him but eventually fell for him while both were on mission together, she does respect his opinion and worry about him while they're on separate missions


General Skills: Advanced Martial arts, Sword, and Rope Dart
Peaceful or violent? Violent
Weapon(s) of choice: Rope Dart


-Rope Dart-
Her Rope Dart is formed similar to aura based abilities but exudes electricity and can stun attackers when hit by the dart, or entangled and paralyzed by the rope

-Aura Sight-
Despite Ivala being blind she can still use aura sight to navigate her opponents movements and what's going around her, she is quite advanced in aura sight so she is able to fight better than she could with normal sight


Ivala doesn't talk much about her early life and because of that the most that is known starts when she started her career as a gun for hire, about 10 years ago she took up the job and started selling her services to the highest bidder, eventually landing her in the gaze of (TBD) (eyesight loss part) (TBD). Eventually after a recovery Ivala managed to get back into the gun for hire job and has been doing so till the present, meeting Osiris along the way.

Currently Ivala is on a "mission" to investigate a certain subject in the west side of Cier

Other Details
