


6 months, 5 days ago


 General Info 

Name: Osiris
Pronunciation: Pronunciation (/iɡˈzampəl/)
Nicknames: Nicknames
Age: 31
Birthday: Bday
Species: Stickfigure
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Height: 6'0

 Distinguishing features 

Osiris is a tall, dark navy blue stickfigure. He's often seen wearing a large hat, long coat with armor, and combat equipment.

Current home: Ch
Occupation: Mercenary/Guns for hire
Relationship status: rs
Social status: ss


Likes: Late nights, solitude, getting paid
Dislikes: Being disturbed, large crowds, bright surroundings, blackmail/manipulation
Hobbies/past times: Training/sparing, Meditating?, fixing and cleaning up his equipment
Guilty pleasures: ???
Pet peeves: People invading his personal space, being underpaid, being used
Personal goals: text
General intelligence: High
General sociability: Below average

Osiris is a closed off individual. He only really tolerates those that are there to hire him, and those that he has to be around. However, if someone were to somehow gain his respect, he'll be more ok being around you. He's not one to ever open up to anyone, as he'd rather almost die than talk about himself and his past. So if he ever does open up to someone, it means that he trusts them and has gotten pretty close to them. He also has his own morality and beliefs that he'll stick to almost always, even when taking jobs and working under people. The closest thing to loyalty he has are to himself and the very few people that he deeply respects.





Don- Osiris still holds an amount of respect towards Don, but having a complicated history. Having trained him when he wanted to become a mercenary, both grew to have a slight bond between each other. However Don's mercy and reluctance to go too far caused conflict between the two of them, as Osiris believed that it's naive to hold onto those that strongly in a career such as this. That led to them going their separate ways, as Don realized this wasn't a path he wants to go down. He doesn't hate Don, but he also wouldn't be too happy to run into him depending on the circumstances.

Friends (currently)

Love interest

Ivala- Osiris first met Ivala when she beat him on her first job, causing him to have a form of rivalry with her. He found her irritating and annoying at the start, especially whenever she decided to rub it in and mock him. However as they spend more time together with missions, he began to have feelings and fell for her. He always respects her and her skills, and thinks of her especially when they're apart.


General Skills: Advanced combat, Stealth, General weapons training
Peaceful or violent? Mainly Violent
Weapon(s) of choice: Guns, Vambrace, Fists, Anything in his surroundings 






Osiris had a rough childhood growing up. At a young age, his family left him behind for reasons that he never found out. He spent most days hungry and alone, always just trying to make it to the next day. He did whatever he could to survive like stealing and scrounging for anything that could be of use for a handful of years. Eventually all of it led to him being a part of a handful of groups that were questionable, only being a part of them because anything was better than what his life had been. While spending that time in those groups, it made Osiris close himself up even more than before. People would use or manipulate him, betray and stab his back, and just destroy any trust that he had remaining. At that point, Osiris knew that whatever he'd want to do in the future would be him on his own, as to not let his past repeat itself. He went from place to place trying to figure out how to make a living. As he was, he started learning about mercenaries and guns for hire, which everything bit of him knew that was what he was looking for. For the next year, he spent all that time training, making money, and finding whatever he could use to begin his new career.

Mercenary Career

Osiris started his career as a mercenary at the age of 20, slowly building up his name by taking small job after small job. As he started to gain some money, he'd invest some of it to slowly better his tools and equipment, while mainly saving the rest. Two years into his career he'd bump into Ivala, a brand new gal just beginning to make a name for herself as a guns for hire, on her first job. She easily beat him at the job and even rubs it in, making Osiris very frustrated that someone who just begun had so easily bested him. That interaction with her, causes Osiris to put even more effort to get better at being a merc. Osiris and Ivala would bump into each other once or twice around that time, but never truly interacting with one another.
Four years into his career he's approached by Don, who wants to learn how to become a merc. Osiris reluctantly agrees to train and teach him, slowly starting by having him become a capable fighter. As time passes, Don starts seeing Osiris as a friend and someone he can trust. But for Osiris, he's internally conflicted. A part of him wants that connection and bond, but he's mostly closed off after everything he's gone through. As a time passes, Don starts to become an exceptional fighter, but he retrains himself and holds back. This begins to frustrate Osiris as he sees these feelings as a form of naivety and weakness, especially in a career such as this. Which leads both of them to have an argument and confrontation, where Don decides to go their own separate ways. This leaves Osiris alone once again, not fully reflecting on his feelings on it as he swiftly returns to his work.
A decent time after that he begins to run into Ivala much more often, as both him and her have become decently well known for their careers. This causes both of them to bump into each other more frequently, sometimes in jobs against each other and other times in jobs as partners. That frequency of them running into each other and spending time together causes them to slowly bond. This causes them to slowly gain respect towards each other and turn their once more cutthroat rivalry into something more playful. As more time passed, they learnt a lot more of each other, which made them respect and begin to trust each other much more. Both him and Ivala slowly began to gain feelings towards one another, yet they both hadn't consciously realized it. Those growing feelings soon led to them taking a job that had them sneak into a masquerade ball and blend in. They almost get caught but kiss each other to divert their attention and blend in, but that causes their feelings to come to the forefront and soon the fake kiss became real. After the events of that day they both didn't know how to take their relationship, as they both hadn't realized that their feelings were romantic. It stays that way for a handful of months until Osiris gets gravely injured in a job with Ivala. By her needing to be the one to patch him up, it ends up causing both of them to realize that their feelings had been both of them falling in love with each other. With that realization, it leads to them eventually letting out their emotions and confessing those feelings to each other later that night.


 Other Details 
