
10 months, 5 hours ago


Repeating Time and Again
Missing Missing

01 — Profile

Name Nima
Divinity Horus
Adopted by Cyno & Tighnari
Gender Agender (they/them)
Orientation Pan
Race Human
Region of Origin Sumeru

Element Anemo (Inate Magic, not a Vision)
Weapon Polearm
Constellation Falcones Aeternae
Meaning Eternal Falcon

  • Signature Weapon: Sky's Endless Cycle

  • Passive: Can mark torn pages and permanent interactables on minimap.

  • Has Lines About: Cyno, Tighnari, Collei, Faruzan, Vasu, Haoran, and Dottore

02 — Personality

Despite seeing much of the worst the world has to offer, Nima choose to stay kind. After all, it was another person's kindness that allowed them to live freely. However, despite their genuine and sweet nature, they do come off as a bit tactless. Oftentimes they'll say unsettling or confusing things with a bright smile. And they won't know they are being concerning until told so.

03 — Background

About Nima

Nima is the current incarnation of Horus, a companion of King Deshret. Horus, and thus, Nima was given three gifts. To always reincarnate, to never forget things seen once, and to have future vision. In their current incarantion, Nima resided in the Akademiya for some time, being studied and expeirmented on by the sages (as well as someone else) due to their powers. One day, with the help of Vasu, they escaped. They now currently live in the care of Cyno and Tighnari.

Part 2


Part 3


05 — Relationships


"If I focus I think I can recognize his face from somewhere else, but I'm not sure where. It'll come to me eventually. But anyway, Dad...uh- Mr. Cyno was the first to find to me after I left. A lot of people say he's really scary but I can't really see it. When people see him be that way, I just see someone who uses all his strength to protect people. And that's the best way I can describe him. He cares very deeply about the people he loves, and just people in general, so he does what he can to help. Oh, and he also teaches me to play his favorite game! That's really fun!"


"Dad's...I mean, Cyno's husband? I think? I don't know, neither of them wear rings or anything else, but they act like a married couple. Collei told me that they never officially started dating, they were that for as long as she knew. People say Dad is scary, but that just means they haven't met Tighnari yet. While Dad will warn someone before he breaks their hand, Tighnari would do it as a warning. And while he has little time for those who make him angry, he's always really patient and kind to me and Collei. It's like he's been doing this for a very long time."

Older Sister

"If I told Collei that I considered her my big sister she's probably get embarrassed. I don't know why though. She really is. When Tighnari is busy, she is the one who teaches me all about the forest and what it's like to be forest ranger. While I don't think that's what I want to do, it's still fun to learn! To tell the truth we're actually really similar. I'm not sure what happened to Collei, but I know we're both still healing."

Family Friend

"Madam Faruzan is kinda like an auntie to me! She takes me and Collei around to see really cool stuff and teaches us a lot too! Oh! Oh! And she also made me a really pretty dress that matches hers! A lot of people call her style of dress old fashioned and I suppose it is, I think I remember wearing something similar in the past. But that doesn't matter. I still like her dresses and her a lot. It seems like she knows me very well and I feel safe around her."


"He's my best friend in the Akademiya! When I lived there, he's the one who looked after me when I wasn't with the sages. I suppose the best term would be babysitter, but he's much more close than that. He's the first one who took me outside even though he was not supposed to. He was also the one who helped take me to Tighnari's house, where I live now. I hope he's doing well, he seemed kinda...nervous all the time."

Best Friend

"My closest friend ever! Haoran and I met while Dad, Tighnari, Collei and I had to go through Liyue to get to Mondstadt (Tighnari wasn't really comfortable with all of us using teleport waypoints at once). Haoran may act angry all the time, but he's really not. Collei told me he's been through similar things to me and has a hard time trusting people because of it. And that he kinda reminds her of herself when she was younger. Which makes me all the more grateful that he not only trusts me, but considers me his closest friend too. I'm sure we'll be able to heal together."


"He's...part of the reason I was in the Akademiya for so long. He wanted to study me and my magic. But he didn't just do that. After I left...he found me again...A-And when I think about when that happened or what he did...all I can remember is being in complete darkness...and feeling like I wasn't in my body anymore...and I kept hearing his voice over and over...telling me to stop fighting...and just...let myself disappear...After I was saved from that the only word I've heard for what he did was...'overwrite'..."