


8 months, 21 days ago


Tempramental Taotie

01 — Profile

Name Haoran
Adopted by Xiao
Gender Male (he/him)
Orientation Unlabeled
Race Taotie Adeptus
Region of Origin Liyue

Element Electro
Weapon Catalyst
Constellation Cornibus Bestiae
Meaning Beast's Horns

  • Signature Weapon: Secret Sealing Orb

  • Passive: Increased droprate from human enemies.

  • Has Lines About: Xiao, Venti, Zhongli, Diluc, Baizhu, Nima, and Dottore

02 — Personality

Having gone through quite a lot in his life, Haoran is a very bitter person. He has very little trust for most people and takes a very long time to warm up to anyone. And because of that, despite having people who do care for him, Haoran wants to believe himself as fully self sufficient. If he can, he will try to handle anything and everything on his own, mostly because he wants to make sure no one around him will get hurt.

03 — Background

About Haoran

Haoran, who was paralyzed from the legs down was given to a "great genius" that would supposedly be able to provide him a miracle cure. And thus, he was taken apart and rebuilt, his bones and blood replaced with that of the "Nameless Yaksha". While he was able to walk again, it also came with a price. The yaksha’s power, his karmic debt, the abyssal poisoning from the chasm, and Haoran’s own despair all swirled together in him, causing him to turn into a Taotie, a beast of evil and gluttony. He rampaged in his monstrous form until he was found and healed by Rex Lapis, being given bracelets to keep his power sealed. Haoran now lives with Xiao, being adopted as his younger brother.

Part 2


Part 3


05 — Relationships

Older Brother

"Xiao was the one who saved me while I was on the run from "his" people. He's...probably one of the only people I can be vulnerable with. More than anyone else, he knows what it's like to be seen as a monster and used because of that. For a time...I thought he only saw me as a way to be closer with his dead sibling and all that, but...well...he really does care for me a lot as just me. It's still kinda hard to wrap my head around...but I....really do think of him as my older brother. "


"I thought Xiao was too good for him for a looooooong time. I still kinda think he's too good for him because of how clingy Venti can get with Xiao. But...I do see what Xiao sees in him. Flighty and flakey as he may act, Venti is genuinely probably one of the most truly selfless people I met. He cares a lot about his people, his friends, and his family as well. And...I know he does care for me as well. It's...odd since I don't really see myself as one of his...but it's nice too."

Caretaker (Father...I suppose)

"I hated him for a long time. I thought "If he was able to give me a human form, why didn't he just take away all the taotie magic and make me fully human again?" Yeah, that was before I knew what exactly was done to me. I'm still not entirely alright with him, but I can't really say I hate him now. I will admit...he's helped me a lot in both the past and now. So I do appreciate him for that in the least. ...And I guess for caring for me and Xiao."


"Right, Zhongli's husband. Venti makes jokes that he and I have the exact same temper. I can't really see it, he really doesn't even anger that quickly. He's just always got a look on his face like he wants to snap someone in half. Which makes him super fun to mess with. I know he can't actually do anything to me, so I like seeing how many buttons I can press. ...Don't tell Zhongli I said that though, I'd get grounded for a week if he found out."

Medical Provider

"Apparently I'm a frequent enough visitor to the Bubu Pharmacy that Baizhu knows my name. It's weird. But he's...fine I guess? I mean, he's the only health professional I'll ever trust and that's only because Qiqi, Xiao, and Ganyu all vouched for him the first time I went. And I know I can trust all of them. I still don't feel fully comfortable around him yet, but I do appreciate that he understands that."

Best Friend

"Really one of the only people I can consider a friend. They're really more of my best friend than anything else. They're genuinely one of the kindest people I've ever met, and it's honestly a miracle in my eyes that they are. They've...been hurt by the same man that I was hurt by, so the fact that they still continue to see the world in such a bright way. Well, I really only wish I could do that. They're kinda like my opposite in every way, but in a sense, because of that, they keep me centered."


"...I hate him. More than I hated people in general, more than I hated Zhongli, I just...want to tear him to shreds one day. He's the reason I became a taotie. He's the reason I never saw my birth parents again. Even after I turned into a monster and destroyed his lab, he sent his people after me to get me back. I know why he wants me back. I'm the only living taotie in Teyvat. And he wants to study me. Like hell I'd ever let him."