✨Nimdir Arley✨



1 year, 1 month ago



  •  Name  Nimdir Arley 
  •  Nickname  He/they 
  •  Age  28 
  •  Gender  Trans Male 
  •  Pronouns  He/They 
  •  MBTI  N/a 
  •  Sexuality  Aroace 
  •  Ethnicity  Polish 
  •  Occupation  War General 
  •  Residence  Everywhere 

Compared to many, he is a leader type. A good fighter and will do anything to help someone with a good heart. His goals are to try and make everyone's life just a bit easier and brighter. A very good person to be around, friendly but stern when need be.



  • Calmness
  • Helping People
  • Wind
  • Nature
  • His eye not dying


  • Himself
  • People Not helping
  • Forgiveness
  • his eye got stolen lol
  • Bread


  • Murder(kinda)
  • Pottery
  • Picking flowers
  • Sitting
  • Cooking


  • Levelheaded
  • Mature
  • Good Leader
  • Empathetic
  • Planner


  • Annoyed easily
  • His self doubt
  • The way he murders easily
  • Comes off as rude
  • Tunes out people


  • Fighting
  • Shooting
  • Cooking
  • Close combat
  • he knows how to wire a car


  •  Hair  Blonde/medium 
  •  Eyes  Green 
  •  Skin  Whiteish 
  •  Marks  Missing an eye lol, he would lose it while trying to save a family during a battle. 
  •  Height  5'9 
  •  Weight  shrugs 
  •  Body  Like a thick twig 
  •  Clothing  Light academia and Military(ofc) 

Pellentesque ac convallis ligula. Integer tincidunt justo eget hendrerit molestie. Sed a metus ac quam rutrum pulvinar. Donec nunc nisi, ultrices ac euismod eget, posuere non augue. Nam et quam enim. Aenean rhoncus auctor diam eget eleifend. Suspendisse potenti. Curabitur varius condimentum lacus, et lacinia ipsum. Nullam nec turpis suscipit, vehicula ex non, convallis metus. Aenean congue posuere massa, bibendum convallis arcu vulputate et. Donec suscipit neque id nulla blandit tincidunt. Nunc mattis, est ac placerat condimentum, nisl sem iaculis sem, et varius quam odio sit amet velit.

He would lose his left eye during one of the smaller battles of trying to get civilians out of a bombed town.


Born in the country of Rolic, in the South East Isle. Though, into a struggling household, Nimdir would grew well. His father, Archie, and His mother, Natasha, were both quite young when they had Nimdir. Meaning, while balancing raising a child they worked, went to collage, etc. Though at age 10, his mother would die from a sickness. Levaing him and his dad. Nimdir had a good and loving childhood, though he did see alot of death in his first many years. His partners, for the first couple of years, hid the fact they had a child from their family. So, they rented an apartment in the nearby country of Kalata. Kalata however, broke into a civil war(nimdir was around 12), and where they had their apartment many rouge skirmishes were fought. Meaning Nimdir's father was forced to keep Nimdir safe, and bring him to Rolic. Placing him in a refugee camp.

After living in Rolic for some time, about half a year, age 13, he would befriend the old freedom fighter leader. Eden. They "met" from Archie's connections with the freedom fighters, since after he hid the fact he had a son from his family he saught out help from the FF. Eden had been visting Rolic refugee camps to see if they needed some help, and Nimdir had always found interest about the FF. After getting to know each other Eden would become a mentor to Nimdir. After 5 years of training, small battles, voting, and rising the ranks, Nimdir would take the position of Commander of the Freedom Fighters. After Eden would fall to an infected wound. I'll speed run this part because they're their own whole things, Nimdir would fight for Rolics freedom(age 16), nimdir would lead the FF into one of the biggest battles in the Isles history, (age 20), and Nimdir would oversee the fall of many old nations. to name a few events

Currently(in the present story the reader will follow) Nimdir leads the Freedom Fighters to help the people.


  • Maecenas eget eros accumsan, finibus neque vel.
  • Duis scelerisque quis sapien sodales mattis, nec porttitor nibh interdum eu.
  • Donec elit sapien, facilisis sed arcu eu, rutrum sollicitudin lorem.
  • Pellentesque bibendum posuere ipsum, et pellentesque ipsum eleifend eget.
  • Nam eleifend tellus augue, id gravida ipsum blandit vel.