

9 months, 25 days ago


"NOVAX" 🌑🗝🎱️🗝️🌑

Name Novax
Age ????
Gender/sexuality ???/unspecified
Pronouns it/its
Species Dream Eater
Voiceclaim Ennard (FNAF Sister Location)

Novax is extremely threatening without uttering a single word but when it does its usually done in tongues or some other unknown mix of different languages Novax is a dream eater, it usually latches onto a host mentally, and often physically draining any dreams as well as any energy the host attempts to have and replacing them with vivid day/night terrors. Stix has become a victim to this several times and it is often thought to be a main factor in WHY he does what he does. ⭐ Novax is not a physical being and can only be spoken to via summoning by someone who DOES exist in the real world. Any being that doesnt have some sort of magical capabilites (i.e corrupt third eye, dark magic) will only see Novax as a dark moving mass filled with misplaced teeth and eyeballs rather than the form shown in ref. "Novax" is not its real name however its true can cannot be pronounced by mortals (or anyone really).

Smells like: nothing.