Flintpaw's Comments

Ello!! I don't know if you have any characters you want me to draw, but id like to exchange a fullbody drawing for this sir if you're good with it! Here are some recent examples <3



Ohh what an amazing style! 😭 I have a lot of characters on my OC account, but you can pick from one of these! Feel free to look through that acc if you ain't feeling one of these below ^^





tyy!! OOH that makes a lot more sense :0 I could do morningmist if you want! it should be done by the end of today <3

Awesome! Take your time ^^ I'll mark the design as "pending" 👍🏻

tyy!! here’s the art :D i struggled a bit to get the leg gradients right, so hopefully its ok!


OHH IT'S PERFECT 😭 sending the character over now!

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