Denovan Adams



9 months, 20 days ago

Basic Info

Full Name

Denovan Adams


Vampire (Formerly human)




229 (Turned at 19)


Male (He/Him)




Knitting, inventing, stage magic, marksmanship


Fortune-telling, architecture, theology


Based on an old character sheet, completely generated (like character detail generators) and then smushed together to make a backstory. 

There was little else in Denovans’ life besides the great tourneys he used to conquer until he disappeared at age 19. Many believed him dead, but he had been stolen away by a vampire countess, who had plans to make him her thrall, even going so far as to give him a rare gemstone earring to mark him as her own. She did not expect her vampiric charms to fail against him, but as he too became a vampire, her magic no longer affected him. He killed her for making him a monster and began a long but perilous task of finding a cure for his vampiric urges. Word has reached him of a cure, but it has very specific requirements and ingredients littered across the world. Traveling by night and hiding by day, Denovan is secretly hoping to find companions who could aid his mission during the day. But he knows that even with all the kindness he still has, his animalistic lust for blood would be a danger to any who find themselves in the wrong place at the wrong time…

- Chivalrous - Hesitant - Dramatic - Fanciful - Empathetic - Self-controlled -

Because he essentially starves himself by only drinking enough blood to survive, he doesn’t have access to very many vampiric abilities.


Enhanced healing: Denovan can heal from injuries that would hospitalize a human without any assistance. Fatal injuries may incapacitate him for weeks - if not outright kill him. If he has ingested blood recently, these injuries heal faster.
Enhanced senses: Denovan’s sight, hearing, and smell are more acute than a human’s, but the exact nature depends on how recently he’s ingested blood.
Enhanced speed: Denovan can move up to 45 mph in short bursts.
Enhanced strength: Denovan can break through brick and cement with ease.
Weapon mastery: Due to his past tourney experience, Denovan is a master with various weapons - mainly swords, but he can improvise.