Symphony 🎶



8 months, 16 days ago

Basic Info

Theme Song:


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Nickname: Sym

Species: Oviraptor (add more here)

Age: 26 years young

Gender: Female

Measurements: (TBA)

Personality: Maternal, Instinctual, Adventurous and a Hermit.


An orphaned hatchling, Sym had a rough upbringing but has grown (Though independently from others) to cherish what Fate brought her. Hopping from migrating heard to heard, this ornithomimid has learned varying wisdoms from peers and leaders alike. Through a constant stalking, nagging feeling, Symphony can Never stay in one area for too long even if there no noticeable threat. Trauma or through habit, she won’t disclose why. You could call it instinct or something else, but if there are hatchlings or smaller members in a heard she is drawn to take care of them or hover around them to some extent (even though her independent odd nature, tells her to do the complete opposite).

She currently hangs out with her cousin (found family), a fellow hermit (that sometimes wonders/ventures out) named Thistle, up in the northwest.

(Other lore, will be written up eventually! Please do check back!)

Like’s: Bop

Dislike’s: Bop

Familial/Friendly bonds:

Cousin: Thistle

Other: …