Thistle IvyWeaver



3 years, 5 months ago

Basic Info


Bam Bam (Camila Cabello ft. Ed Sheeren)

I’m On My Way (Phil Collins)

Haven (Novo Amor)


Name: Thistle IvyWeaver 

Species: Avaceratops lammersi ((Subject to change!! Diabloceratops!!))

Meaning: (Ava Horned)

Pronouns: They/Them (ONLY)

Gender: Non-Binary 

Sexuality: Bi-Sexual 

Age: 24 years young 

Hatchday: November 17th, 1997.

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Occupation: Artist, Biologist, Traveler.

(While also being a volunteer at local rescues and rehabilitation places)

Hobbies: Archery 🏹, Drawing, Traveling, Researching odd and interesting things, Fishing, & Animal Husbandry. Also, hiking/trailing when the weather permits. (She is thinking to do some canoeing & kayaking in the future times)

Reputation: Hard working, honest, and free spirited.

Temperament: Introverted, Cautious; hesitant, anxious, & nervous around strangers; talkative, Go-With-The-Flow, & kind to heardmates, friends, & animals. Territorial & sometimes aggressive when other males & other different heards move through & are around.

What she sounds like: (Feral Voice/calls)

(At 0.46 “mainly”, these are their “Feral” calls) 

What she sounds like: (Anthro voice) Myself, maybe I’ll one day record my voice, who knows.

Like’s: Sweet drinks like: Tea, Hot Chocolate, Cider, & fizzy consumables. Sweet treats: Apples, Watermelon, Pomegranate, Pears, Pumpkin, & strawberries; (milk & White) chocolate, Mildly spicy things, bagels, muffins, garlic bread, etc. Lastly: She loves salads and other green dishes. Also, loved sweet and light smelling candles and fauna. 

Dislike’s: Anything not organic, anything produced by an animal or (vegan?), No meats, no eegs, no milk, etc. (Her body isn’t meant to consume it.) Also, most carnivores & scavengers, doesn’t want to deal with them. Individuals who are: Native harassers, Thieves, homophobes, xenophobes, anti LGBTQIA+ 🏳️‍🌈, and alike: Deserves to burn like the forests around her territory every year. (More to come)

Current residents: A Durable, weathered, little, self-built hut surrounded by ancient & tall “Reds” (redwoods) she calls them. Towards the west about a half a days journey, is the Pacific Ocean. East? Day & a half’s journey into Heavy, dense, & difficult mountainous terrain. South? More dense forest & hotter weather. North? Equal to the south, but colder climates. (& full of carnivores)

Current rescues: 

~Silver Cockatiel, named Bruce. Age: 3 years old. Male Personality: Playful, Attention seeker, helpful berry gatherer, family/flock member, & loves stealing Thistle’s food. xD



(More to come in future aspects)

Location: American Northwest (TBD)




Weight: N/A




Height: 5ft.3inch.

Weight: 200lbs.


Height: 160cm

Weight: 91kg


Typical Clothing: (To be added)

Special/Fancier clothing: (To be added)

Anything else: (To be added)


[To Be Added]

Additional/Other Information:

Cousin: Symphony

[To Be Added]

Fun fact(‘s):

(About Thistle)

-Inspiration for me creating this character was from a game called The Isle, the calls they made, the stout frame, and specially the crest? Won it for me. So, with aid from a friend of mine we went to work and Thistle was the result. I couldn’t be more proud. ^^

((Also, I’d LOVE to get a partial of her done by “maybe” Spiritpandacostumes, who knows!!)

((More to be revealed later on...))


Updates & Additions:

[May 26th- Added the word I forgot, and just added a new art piece.]

[September 22nd- Organized their tags, and added Fursuit maker options. Definitely want her made, and done Right. *cries*]

[October 20th- Added another theme song, and then the Avaceratops calls.]

[December 11th- Added Reputation ideas, alignment, and overall touched up the profile.]