Marula [IHS]



10 months, 4 days ago





GenderCisgender female
TerritoryVibrant Valley
VoiceGina (Bojack Horseman)

"Oooooh, riiiiiiiiight... of course that was the solution. Excuse me." 


 Marula is the long serving knight of the Vibrant Valley, having loyally been at Mopane's side for many years up until her date of death. After that, she'd passed herself down to Whistlethorn in hopes that she would help guide her into a good future, worthy of her mother's honor. It didn't pan out. Especially not now that her opinion on Whistlethorn has been into a steady decay since she heard she wouldn't name her own cubs heirs and gets increasingly fed up with her stubborness against suggestions. Because instead of listening to her mother's old advisor, Whistlethorn is out listening to the little weasely Spider, whom Marula keeps close tabs on. She's younger than Whistlethorn, about the same age as her mate Clementine, but likes to act like she's more mature and well-lived for the most part... more than she should be given credit for. Ah, well. Duty over opinion...


Marula is self-assured, snarky and playful, the opposite of the more grounded and perfectionist mate that Clementine is. Don't let that kind of "o que sera, sera" behaviour fool you, though: Marula does take her job as a knight very seriously and is why she's so endlessly frustrated at Whistlethorn not deploying basic listening skills. She has a good way to separate her personal emotions from her job, but keeping that fine border going is becoming tough as she watches the king fall into further disfavour. She may not see in a literal sense, but she does see through bullshit rather easily: Marula has a special talent for discerning speech patterns and tone of voice to pick apart intentions from those she meets, part of what makes her such a good knight. She can't see deceiving smiles that play into the egos of fools. As such, she is extremely outspoken even when most are against her to a point it nearly borders on arrogant pride. Nearly. Thankfully, it makes her a good mouthpiece when it comes to justice. When she's not chatting, she's trying to find a solitary spot to be alone with her thoughts, usually concerning her day and pridemates, like a little sneaky detective brainstorming over their case. Would she be willing to die for what she deems justice? Absolutely. She's heroic in that sense, and not above sarcasm at all.


Mother | Unknown, deceased
Father | Unknown, deceased
Siblings | N/A
Mate | Clementine
Offspring | N/A
Other | N/A




She won't refuse most jobs (so long they don't stray into amorality) but thinks cubsitting is a task that is beneath her, despite not really having animosity against cubs.

Has been offered to be a spy once due to her great intuition (tonal observation) but refused since she despises the idea of spies.


Name meaning

"Marula: a tree (Sclerocarya caffra) of the family Anacardiaceae that is native to the veld and low country of Africa and that has grayish mottled bark, pinnate leaves, inconspicuous flowers in sprays, and succulent fruits resembling plums which contain an edible seed and are used locally to prepare an intoxicating brew."