Tyoma Py.



8 months, 13 days ago

Basic Info


Tyoma (pronounced Ch-ohma. 'Ty' makes Ch sound, like in Chicken)






Lystrodont mix (lystrodonts are inspired by lystrosaurus)




Pyridekk (employed) Corgoga (born)


Beastguard (Nuurhesa).


Native of Derrodas who joined Pyridekk near the start of its existence. Tyoma has helped build much of the structures + caverns that house the creatures of Pyridekk. Though his priority and niche is ground magic related to infrastructure/architecture, he is also a competent fighter, and often participates in diamond fights. She is smaller than the average creature, but very quick and slippery.


  • Looks angry/grumpy most of the time, but is generally pretty cooperative/agreeable, not easily rankled/irritated. Not super talkative. Has a sarcastic, morbid sense of humor. Bad at lying.
  • Responsible and organized, fears being late to anything ever and over-prepares for events. Doesn't really ever have an itch to take charge, but willing to order people around to get a job done right if she has to (not amazing at being assertive tho. more of a gentle ordering around. Brutus teaches her some notes later). Generally observant and detail-oriented.
  • Passionate about magic / honing new magic techniques. Likes to show off her magic. This is the only time she enjoys being the focus of a crowd, she sees it as a performance and show of her skills.
  • Easily flustered, goes completely silent when flustered. like couldn't talk even if he wanted to kinda silent. if this gets really bad he'll resort to writing on paper or something to communicate.
  • Really really likes living stones. Partially in charge of looking after/keeping relations with the local living stone cobbles / groups. This was something he did before joining Pyridekk too. Fan of beasts in general but living stones are truly their own kind of beasts.
  • Creatures think she's really menacing when she's fighting in the diamonds because she stays completely silent even if her opponent is bantering or badmouthing her. Genuinely she just can't think of anything to say that doesn't sound dumb, so she doesn't say anything.
  • Likes music, plays the drums. Starts a band with Brutus later (Brutus on guitar/vocals).

  • Has two kids, fraternal twins (Suothan and Olivine). When Tyoma is 32 (start of story) the twins are 5. Tyoma has some ambition to rank up in the Beastguard, but isn't crazy about the added responsibilities seen in Bhayrhesa/Dohesa and thinks it would take him away from his kids, so he doesn't pursue this until they're older, especially since he's a single parent. When he's around 35~ he's had a partner for a year and a half, and the kids are eight, so he considers pursuing it. 
  • Tyoma has some gripes/complaints with how the beastguard functions and the culture of it over-all. thinking that combat prowess is over-emphasized and alternative/practical ways to use magic should be more studied/respected. He's in the quiet minority for a while here though, and eventually sides with Brutus, who has similar views.
  • is ace/aro. His previously mentioned partner is a queer-platonic one.

  • Joined Pyridekk at age 24 (8 yrs ago) this was a few months after Pyridekk existed publically as a clan working to recruit others. Lived in a fairly sized town, as far as Derrodas settlement goes, populated predominantly by Lystro, but also some scentshine + hoofdrake. This town was hesitant and wary of Pyridekk suddenly expanding/being active, but Tyoma saw it as an opportunity to learn more about magic/meet other creatures. He had been trained in ground magic from fellow Lystro, and (some) Lystro have a bit of a complex, where they think THEIR way of doing ground magic is absolute, and the best. Tyoma thought it couldn't hurt, and probably even help, to learn new techniques, which some of the town lystros thought was stupid and strange of him. Also, Tyoma had glanced at the current structures of Pyridekk, which were ancient and interesting to him, so he wanted to be able to explore it. Pyridekk also had high standards for magic adeptness for those applying to join, so part of Tyoma wanted to see if he was good enough for it as a way to prove his own skills to himself.
  • Tyoma was an only child raised primarily by his mother, but with help from his mother's two siblings (father walked out) , Tyoma had friends, but not super close ones. His mom and her clutchmates supported him pursuing it, so he decided to apply, and got in. Tyoma visits and sends letters to them all regularly. (Lystros normally have min 4-egg clutches but his mom was of poor health while pregnant and his other siblings were stillborn/had complications shortly after hatching that resulted in death)
  • Was very intimidated and overwhelmed by how many different creatures there were at pyridekk at first. Was still excited to do and experience so many new things though, just very hesitant. Not the best at talking to others and making friends (+ lots of creatures at Pyridekk were kinda egotistical and absorbed with themselves, so this didn't help). Joined the Beastguard because she was interested in diamond fights and wanted to do more than just researching. The beastguard was a way to still do things outside of the direct Pyridekk settlement too, which she wanted.
  • Had a half-a-year long relationship when he was ~27. They mutually decided to split bc they had different goals/ambitions that didn't mesh well, the guy ended up leaving Pyridekk a bit later for something else. When Tyoma realized he was pregnant, he wanted to keep them, so he did. There was an accident that resulted in 2/4 of his eggs being damaged and perishing.
  • Beastguard culture (particularly in Pyridekk) has an aspect of toxic aggressiveness to it, and worships physical prowess/strength -> generally looks down upon emotional vulnerability, gentleness, and other traits that can be perceived as "weak". Because of this, and because Tyoma was very busy as a beastguard, Tyoma's kids were raised by his Mom and her clutchmates for the first three years, with Tyoma visiting as much as he could. After three, they began to test the waters with the kids spending some time living at Pyridekk for a month or two at a time, then back with his mom. Tyoma felt bad about this, but thought it was for the best, and everyone else agreed. 
  • At age 32 (kids 5) the kids live mostly full-time with Tyoma. Tyoma doesn't exactly hide he has kids to the other members of the beastguard, but he also doesn't advertise it. Unlike most of Pyridekk, he has a house a little bit out of the way from direct pyridekk campus at a small village. Commute is 20 or so minutes walking, but he doesn't mind, and he thinks the kids are better for it. Later, when they're ~7, Tyoma gets more friends and support at Pyridekk, and brings his kids into work to show them around sometimes.