Olivine Corgoga



8 months, 5 days ago

Basic Info




5 (when tyoma is 32)






Corgoga (born)


One of Tyoma's kids. (they will lose most of their fluff when they get older)

Olivine is the more outgoing of the kids. She is Talkative and loves meeting new creatures and asking them all sorts of questions! Olivine also loves roughousing and playfighting, she's often covered with scraps and bruises from running around, Tyoma and her other caretakers just can't reel her in most of the time. Olivine is kind of bad at sharing and is pretty stubborn, she wants things her way!! But if someone calmly explains to her she's being mean, she'll feel bad and give an apology. She tends to be a bit oblivious to other creatures' thoughts/feelings, though certainly not an uncommon trait at her age, this carries through in some part into adulthood, and she remains a mid dense. Olivine loves being helpful and showing how big and strong she is, she will often offer to do lift things and do chores (long as they're not too boring of chores). Olivine likes to sing and humm to herself nonsense songs she makes up on the spot.

When Olivine manifests her magic order around age 6.... it causes a bit of a upstir. It is rare for Lystrodonts to be any order but ground, and non-ground ordered Lystros are sometimes considered not true lystros by some groups. Olivine's caretaker's + Tyoma didn't have any issue with this (though surprised, they had to adjust) but some other Lystros they knew took issue. This gave a hit to Olivine's outgoing, confident nature, and she struggles with her identity as a lystro in her teenage years. Despite this, or maybe even to spite it, she becomes an adept growth magician. 

Other things:

  • Olivine is very protective over her brother and will be furious with creatures who are mean to him, she is not afraid to yell!!
  • She is a bit brutally honest sometimes, she catches adults by surprise with some sick burns.
  • She enjoys bedtime stories just as much as her brother, but prefers stories with action and strife and violence!!
  • she is a biter.
  • Olivine is fond of flowers , she keeps a few pots of them by her windowsil that others help her take care of, she also names them and gives them backstories. Her sunflower Travis and her cornflower Jesamul are going through a horrible divorce (her caretakers wonder where she learned this word).
  • Lystro culture is heavily influenced by the fact that 90% of lystrodonts are ground ordered. Many of their names are ground/mineral/rock themed because of this. Olivine is a bit conflicted over her name because of her order, and moreoften goes by "Olive" as she gets older.