


10 months, 2 days ago


Eats Nuts, Kicks Butts!

Name Reene
Age Teenager
Species Adventuret
Gender Female
Sexuality Straight
Pronouns She / Her
Base Species Ferret

Adventuret Traits
  • Rounded Ears
  • Natural Tail (squirrel)
  • Other Compass (acorn)
  • Small Mustelid
  • Fangs
Reference Image Here

Reene is an Adventuret, a species of mustelid creatures that thrive on adventure and the outdoors! Unlike most Adventurets who have some sort of camping supplies - tents, fishing rods, or things of that nature - as a part of their biology, Reene was born with the large, bushy tail of a squirrel. It's a rare trait and others occasionally question her legitimacy as a true Adventuret, but Reene has never been discouraged by this. Her compass - one that boasts a beautiful acorn as its needle - has always pointed true north, and she has always been confident in her abilities.

Her abilities mostly revolve around her ability to climb. Reene is an incredible climber and spends the majority of her time in treetops, leaping about from branch to branch. Her prehensile tail gives her the ability to grab onto branches and swing between trees. She also has large, squirrel-like teeth and incredible jaw strength that allow her to easily crunch nuts (and other things if necessary).

Reene loves helping out those around her. She is constantly on the look out for adventurers who need an assist in their travels, and she loves hearing the stories of those that she meets in her own wanderings!


solitary social
observant dense
logical emotional
organised messy
assertive turbulent


Reene is an incredible social and energetic character. She loves spending time with others, cracking jokes, and climbing her trees. She is empathetic, but can sometimes be too optimistic and ignore the negative aspects of a situation. She is constantly moving and hardly ever sits still!


Reene is an incredible climber. She is able to scale whole trees in seconds, and can leap between them just as easily. She also has incredible jaw strength, which allows her to easily chew through things like nuts or rope. She is very alert and is usually the first to notice any approaching danger.


  • Reene is a bit of a hoarder. She loves to collect shiny, interesting things, and will even bury them on occasion
  • She is almost always wearing her acorn earrings.
  • Reene is a very light sleeper and will easily startle awake at the slightest noise.
  • She also has a passion for random bits of information, especially computer science.
  • Nuts are her favorite snack.


Designer CNWolf
Masterlist ID AV0006
Obtained MYO
Based On Squirrel Girl (Marvel)