Imai Kameko (Mutant Mayhem)



8 months, 14 days ago


Birthday: January 20th 2008

Ethnicity: Japanese

Sexuality: Bi

Gender: cis female (she/her)

Species: human/Shinigami

Powers/abilities: sees unmoved on spirits and demons. Magic (not good at it, working on it) can summon scythe 

Other info: Kameko is autistic


Kameko moved to the United States with her dad when she was 13. Her parents got divorced when she was 11 following her father believing her mother was treating her abusively after her shinigami powers manifested, forcing her to train constantly rather than living a normal childhood. Her father managed to get custody of her but not her four brothers.

Kameko and her father lived in California for a couple years, but Kameko didn’t do well after being bullied in school. Additionally, without her father knowing she started doing shinigami work, but had a lot of competition for it in California and was met with aggression by the other local shinigami. They moved to New York shortly following the events of the movie on account of her father being offered a well paying job there , but Kameko insists on doing Highschool online to avoid bullying again. This worked out much better for her with Shinigami work as at that time there actually weren’t any other shinigami in New York, so she spends her nights roaming the city dealing with the impasses on dead and demons of the city.