Imai Kameko (1987)



8 months, 13 days ago


Age: 15 

Birthday: January 20th 1972

Gender: cis female

Sexuality: bisexual

Race/ethnicity: Japanese

Species: human/shinigami

Other: Kameko is autistic


(80s) Imai Kameko is a 15 year old Shinigami from Japan living in New York. She is supposed to be here to do Shinigami work, but... She got a little distracted. What she usually does instead is play as lead guitarist and singer for a band playing shows in a nightclub she's not even old enough to get into.

After most of her shows she sees a fan in the ally way and talks to for a bit. He's also 15 and dresses in a way that completely covers his face and body. She assumes this is so he can sneak in and doesn't plan on ratting him out. She's grown quite fond of him.

When threatened she can turn her guitar back into her scythe. The foot clan has learnt this the hard way on more than one occasion. But she generally will not go out of her way to get into trouble and really just wants to hand out and play her music.