Magnus (344)



6 years, 4 days ago



"Don't take life too seriously. You won't be getting out of it alive."

Name - Magnus
Nicknames - Mags, Magmus, Grumps, Grumpus
Gender - Male
Age - About 16-17
Race - Toskal Grunt (MYO)
Origin - Undecided (Needs a tribe!)
Height - About 4'2
Build - Short and a bit on the scrawny side for a Grunt
Demeanor - Aloof, grumpy, loner, impish
Theme: None yet

"He was just a Grunt after all. A miniscule insignificant Grunt, just as his Mother had aft reminded him."

Our story starts off just like any does, with the fresh and new arrival of life into the world. A Mother holding her new pup close, his crimson fur shiny and new, soft and luscious. A combination of his surprisingly cold red-furred Mother and his much darker and duller grey-scale Father. The babe, although feisty and full of life, did arise some concern. He was small. Worrisomely so. As he grew, this issue persisted, until finally by the age of 4, his parents had to come to grasp with the fact he would always be small, he was a Grunt. Although disappointed his Father made little issue of it, but his Mother was angry. She outright refused to call him her son, and began to treat Magnus poorly for his stature. Their relationship worsened and soured with time, until finally his Father and Mother got into disagreement and seperated. It was a hard blow for all parties involved, especially the young and impressionable Magnus. Because of it all, he gradually grew into a bitter adolescent, and when he was eventually sent out for his rite, a year into it he decided not to come home. He is quite thoroughly a loner, as even with the pull of instinct, he has made no effort to bond with another. In fact, he gets along quite poorly with most others, as there is quite a lot of sourness to dig through before reaching the crude yet warm personality hiding underneath.











  • Warmth
  • Alcohol (Handles it well for such a short guy.)
  • Crude humor
  • Quiet
  • Invasion of his personal space
  • Nosiness
  • Working/Workaholics
  • Jewelry

He is OPEN to pretty much anything, friends, interests, family, etc.

- He isn’t an alcoholic, but he does fancy a bitter day spent at the end of a bottle. Handles alcohol very well, enough so that it can actually help soften his temper/make him more jovial. More a mead and ale kind of guy.

- Although I am not particularly looking for romance when it comes to Magnus, in the event that it may occur, he is a big gay, but will consider ladies too. Also, he will never admit to it(gotta hate on those Alphas, as always), buuuut, tall guys with horns make him...Well, I think you get what word comes next. (imagine a gruntxalpha pair...Holy shit.

- When in good company, he likes to joke around and might even play a prank or two. Sort of childish in that sense, although his jokes are the kind known to be quite vulgar and unrefined.

- He has a full mane instead of patchy one.

- Actively avoids talking about his family, and if pushed, only will really talk about his Father. If asked about his Mother, he will flatly state he doesn’t have one.

- Not very sociable, he prefers to be by himself. Also bottles up a lot of stuff because of it, sometimes causing outbursts of irritation when around others.

- Pretty tough and fearless guy for being short. May or may not have thrown a punch at an alpha which ended with him sore for weeks and wrapped in bandages.

- May or may not also have something of a Napoleonic complex.

- Won’t take shit from others, and is somewhat known to have a shorter temper the taller a toskal is, especially with Alphas.

- OPEN to Roleplay offers/suggestions.

- OPEN to friends, family, etc.

- OPEN to tribe suggestions/offers. I need to decide on a birth-tribe for him, although it should be noted that he no longer resides in it and is not a part of it as an adult.


Character Name

[ relationship ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.


Character Name

[ relationship ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.


Character Name

[ relationship ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.
