


9 months, 29 days ago


Halls Of Illusions

Insane Clown Posse

Name WaningGrin
Moons 37
Pronouns He/It
Sexuality Questioning
Breed Mutt
Rank Warrior
Clan Windclan
Status Low
"He was raised from the ashes of hell and set on the path of destruction. He was a paradox, a riddle, a black sheep in the heard of Christ. He was not evil, and he was not good. He simple was." - K.C.
  • Darkness
  • Kits
  • WaxingDream
  • Small gifts
  • Rats
  • Bright lights
  • Water
  • High ranked felines
  • Insects
  • Fish


A semi reckless and misunderstood feline. Often seen watching others from the shadows, thought it never means to scare anybody. Waning is often a gentle cat, though very energetic, just trying to be understood.

Introvert Extrovert
Dreamer Realistic
Reserved Affectionate
Cooperative Lone wolf
Over thinker With the flow
Impatient Patient

Waning isn't "the best" at everything, but comes in handy when situations/problems come up that result in needing to squeeze through small spaces or climbing up tall objects for a better view. It's lanky build helps it climb up most things and running, making it useful for long distance travels.


He likes to tend to plants from time to time. Waning grows a Black Dahlia under the outlook rock, a flower shunned for symbolizing doom or betrayal. It feels it can relate to the flower, so he does his best to look after it. Other than growing plants, it likes to randomly climb tall spaces to get a better look at the things around the territory.


Acceptance. That is the one thing it wants. After being labeled as the clans curse, it has been rejected by many loyal to Starclans curse. All he wants is to feel like he actually belongs. It's whole life it was shunned and turned away, it wasnts to prove it is worth something. That he CAN be helpful.


Unfortunately, mostly because he is a Windclan cat, and not ever being taught, it cannot swim. He is afraid to get near water, even if it is being told for a patrol, he will not go anywhere near large bodies of it. Though he can put up with the sun, he hates other bright lights like ones you'd see around the barn or kittypet homes, or those on monsters.


Waning doesn't hold too many habits. You could say grinning at everything is one, but it does not do that by choice. He tends to plop his tail back and forth ont he ground when in thought, or often has it's tail coil around a nearby object or feline it trusts.


Being abandoned and thunderstorms. It has found a feline of Windclan that actually trusts it, WaxingDream. If he left him in the dust, or if the clan ditched him during a raid, it would panic and try to hide. The harsh sound of thunder clapping in the sky sends shivers through its spine, as the day he had been cursed was during a storm.



Born within Windclans walls with a litter of 5, Waning was named for his fur marking resembling a sideways crescent. His parents were decent felines, trying to raise their kits right to become great warriors. During Waning's early apprentice moons, a terrible event had happened. Starclan had grown angry with Windclan, mostly their medicine cat, that they were losing their faith after said feline tried to break off a piece of the moonstone out of anger. The medicine cat stepped forward and explained a fake prophecy that "cursed cats within the clan with a lack of faith break the moonstone upon getting too close". The clan believed them. The medicine cat asked for a cat to step up and show they are true to Starclan by joining them at the moonstone, and while trying to prove it was a loyal and devoted feline of the clan, Waning stepped up to go to the moonstone and prove that it wouldn't break. Unfortunately, when Waning got there, he had pressed his nose against the cracked chunk, and it had fallen off, making the medicine cat blame him. While trying to explain himself to the medicine cat that something had to be wrong, that he was loyal, a curse had been sent down. It was meant for the medicine cat, but something had gone wrong, and Waning had taken it. His expression changed into a large grin, and his eyes were now stuck wide open. It couldn't change it's expression at all, no matter how hard he tried. Waning could cry, it could shed tears, but the smile would not go away. Upon returning to the clan, the medicine cat had explained what had happened, and Waning was labled as the "cursed spirit of Windclan".


WaxingDream was made into Windclans den dad, though it didn't seem he cared. WaningGrin was made into a warrior, but not a warrior dared to cheer it's name in the crowd. It wasn't surprised though, having grown used to that. After his ceremony, he got to follow Waxing around, sticking as close as he was allowed to be with the tom, one of his only friends. He never grew close with his siblings, but he had been closer to Waxing than any other cat. His first few new warrior moons were tough,, he was being chosen last for patrols, left behind, or not assigned at all. He still tried to contribute to the clan by helping fix up nests, hunt as best he could, and even offer to get herbs for the medicine cat.



Out and gathering herbs with the medicine cats apprentice, Blossompaw, she had told WaningGrin something she overheard. Starclan had reached out, trying to tell her of a fake prophecy, but the only hint she had gotten was the symbol of a crescent. Waning didn't understand, and tried to help her. Blossom appreciated Waning being around, even if he was a cursed cat, she disliked how he had been treated. Unfortunately, Starclans signs were being seen slower and slower, and soon, not at all. Blossompaw took the role on and became BlossomWish under her mentor, SqurrielTrots, training. Waning congratulated her, but was forced to stay away from the medicine cats by Simmering, blaming him for them being unable to see any signs. With them both being distant, Blossom started to focus more on her work than trying to see Waning, thought it was Squirrel trying to mostly keep her away from it incase anyone found out about his lie. She still tries to reach out to Waning, but now it thinks she is just like the other medicine cat, and is betraying him.


Though he was not trusted, it still had to be given a somewhat normal apprentice life. He was mentored by SimmeringSoul, Windclans deputy, in hopes they could break the curse if trained under a high rank. Unfortunately, the clan could never see him the same. Apprentices grew afraid of the smile, kits ran away to their queens, warriors gazed in disgust. It was like he was an outcast. He was called "a thing", "the curse", "it", "creature", and many other names. These flooded it's mind, and slowly, it began to believe it really was just a curse, that it was a thing made to endanger those around. Any little screw up made Simmering talk down to it, to which though smiling, would have tears fall from his face. His apprentice-hood was harsh to him, and even if he knew all too well he was a curse, it tried to prove it could be trusted.

Because of it's status in the clan, WolfStar had held Waning back a few moons from becoming a warrior, in fear that he would give the newly made warriors bad looks or even "pass on the curse" to them. Waning sat off to the side, always staring at it's paws in thought while waiting for it's own ceremony. There was a cat that seemed to be just like it, a cat held back from their ceremony due to an injury. He tried to approach them and chat, but this cat barely gave answers filled with emotion. It confused him, but he tried to stick around the cat to provide them company, as this cat clearly didn't care about his status in the clan. Waxing, was his name. WaxingPaw, who had suffered from an injury, rendering him to possibly become a den dad in the future. WaningPaw stuck around him, enjoying company that didn't seem to care.


Height 14 inches
Weight 7 lbs
Build Lanky
Fur length Short
Fur 1
Fur 2
Fur 3
Eye 1
Eye 2
Alternate Palette
Markings + Scars

WaningGrin has a sideways crescent on his chest with a "V" like mark below, and a line above the middle. There are lines that go down fromt he corner of his eyes to the corner of it's nose. It has little dots trailing under it's eyes, starting bigger at the back and smaller near the front. WaningGrin has no scars what so ever, but is highly exposed to gaining any for it's much thinner frame.

Prefix + Suffix meaning

PREFIX - WaningGrin, as a kit, was named for the crescent shape on his chest, but the name "CrescentKit" didn't seem to fit at first, so they instead named him after the waning crescent.

SUFFIX - WaningGrin, once a warrior, was given the suffix to match it's smile that it had been cursed with, unable to get rid of it.

Additional Notes
  • Waning can speak, but it only does to cat's it trusts.
  • It can never stop smiling.
  • His tail is longer than that of an average cat.
  • Due to it's very thin frame, it can squeeze in small spaces.


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