


5 years, 11 months ago


"Did you say something? Sorry, I can't hear you over the sound of your annoying voice."

Name - Refuses to have an actual name
Nicknames - Faun, Goat-boy
Gender - Male
Age - About 28
Race - Vexling
Origin - Wild Nubian Goat parents
Height - About 5'9
Build - Long legged lean guy
Demeanor - Childish, rude, prankster
Theme: None yet

A jokester and lover of life, with a heavy hatred for humanity.

Simple beginnings, as most things go, don't they? Slow and steady, at least so it was for him. He slid out the canal just as any other kid, fresh and new to the world, only minutes later would he be standing up on his hooves for the first time. A goat, he was a goat then, right? His Mother was a goat, his Father was a goat, and yet... He really wasn't. A week would pass by as life rushed up to kiss his forehead, stumbling, walking, then finally running and bouncing about. It was fun and free and wild, and it was him and who he was. One day things should change, as they did and should and do. One day he stood up, hopping right onto two. His link to who he was before was then so broken quick, and it was shown quite so well that he was something else.











  • Playing pranks
  • Pastries
  • Nature
  • Music
  • Cities
  • Uptight people
  • Humans in general
  • Clothing

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Artist's notes -

He doesn't just turn into your classic half-human half-goat faun. The version he turns into is almost entirely coated in fur, except for his very human hands which are smooth on the palms. His fur is thickest on the backs of his arms, legs, and elbows, as well a thick 'mane' of fur starting on his neck and going down his chest. He also has some longer fur on top of his head and on his cheeks and chin. His tail is about the length of an average goat's, maybe a bit longer, but much thicker fur, more like a dog's in that sense.


Small nubby horns which curve lightly outwards. NOT INWARDS! As eventually his horns will grow into rams horns when he is older, which would grow out and curl around.

He has no nipples! At least, not visibly. He has more than enough fur to cover things like nipples, pecs/abs, whatever, so none should be visible. Same goes for his privates, they are hidden in the fuzz.

Human teeth for the most part, except for more pronounced canines, especially his lower ones which peek out as he talks.