Tomoko Kaneko



9 months, 28 days ago


Tomoko Kaneko

01 - Profile

Name Tomoko
Nicknames Tomo, Sunshine
Age 15
Gender Nonbinary (They/Them)
Height 5'5"
Birthdate June 7th
Race Human
Orientation. Gay
Occupation Student, Kamiyama High

02 - Personality

Tomoko is the wild and energetic one of the group. They're happy-go-lucky and naïve, trusting people more easily than they should. They just want to have a good time and will ignore problems to try and stay happy, leading them to leave things until it's too late.

  • Making music

  • Video Games

  • Sparkles

  • Sour Candies

  • Being Bored

  • Silence

  • Tight clothing

  • Apples

03 - Background

Early Childhood

Tomoko grew up with not a lot of friends growing up, most seemingly avoiding them out of fear of their messy, troublemaking nature. However, in middle school, they managed to make one very close friend, the two doing everything together. Unfortunately, the friend moved away and the two seemed to lose contact. They carried on their life desperately trying to make more friends and be more outgoing, scared of returning to not having any.

Mysterious SEKAI

Tomoko was playing video games when they found the Untitled song. Playing it, they were transported to the Mysterious SEKAI, the last member to enter. They found themself in a dense part of the woods, yet showed no real fear, only inquisitive glee. They touched everything they probably shouldn't have touched and just happily continued through until they found Mayumi and Ikuo together. Happy to find new people, they introduced themself and the trio managed to make their way out of the woods and find Hitomi and Miku.


After going through struggles and triumphs with the other members of Crimson Helix, they care deeply about the other three, viewing them as very close friends. They are very happy that they aren't alone anymore

04 - Trivia

  • Tomoko's voice is somewhat loud and out-there. It has a nasally quality and they have a good growl, which others don't particularly expect. Their voice is not particularly gendered either way

  • They enjoy chill video games without much fighting, like Animal Crossing.

  • The pair did not realise it for a while, but Tomoko and Ikuo are in the same class.

  • Tomoko can jump very high, almost unnaturally so. They use it to reach high places and for fun when the group perform

05 - Relationships

Fellow member of Crimson Helix

Tomoko started off really caring about Hitomi, as they do with anyone they meet, being loud and energetic when talking to her. However, they eventually discovered Hitomi's dislike of loud noises and began to quell their nature somewhat when talking to her, trying to accommodate. They weren't very good at this at first, of course, yet have gotten more mindful of it.

Hitomi began by being overwhelmed by Tomoko's loud nature and energy, often staying quiet to try and balance it out. She has since learnt to handle their energy a little better, enjoying the positivity they bring to the group.

Fellow Member of Crimson Helix

Tomoko first was energetic and friendly towards Ikuo, as they always are, trying to show him why he should enjoy the SEKAI instead of fearing it. This led to Ikuo's first major argument with Tomoko, yet Tomoko was not angry at Ikuo, more sorry for him. They forgave him immediately and now the two are close.

Ikuo was startled at Tomoko's enjoyment of the SEKAI when they first met, and he still somewhat is. He thought their overenthusiastic attitude was too much for him, leading to the first major argument in the group. He has since apologised and is remorseful for his actions and the pair quite enjoy each other's company

Fellow Member of Crimson Helix

Tomoko enjoyed Mayumi's fellow curiosity about the SEKAI when they first met her, the two seemed to grow quite close after that, both of them being the more cheerful ones in the group.

Tomoko was harder for Mayumi to read than the other two members, yet once she realised their wish for close friends, she tried immediately to open up to them, wanting them to feel actually comfortable with the other members, instead of forcing themself to feel happy.