Mayumi Shizimu




Mayumi Shizimu

01 - Profile

Name Mayumi
Nicknames Mayu, Umi
Age 16
Gender Female (She/They)
Height 5'9"
Birthdate March 17th
Race Human
Orientation. Bisexual
Occupation Student, Miyamasuzaka Girls Academy

02 - Personality

Mayumi is quite an inquisitive soul, always looking for logical reasoning for their problems and feelings. They can sometimes be too curious, leading themselves into information they shouldn't be knowing. She always seems to be calm when around people and is a sweet person, trying to keep the group together and in high spirits.

  • Making music

  • Psychology

  • Feminine Clothing

  • Desserts

  • The Unknown

  • Sour Foods

  • Energy drinks

  • Sewing

03 - Background

Early Childhood

Mayumi grew up with a relatively joyous childhood. In middle school, she had a close friend group and a girlfriend she loved dearly. However, when her girlfriend left her unexplainably, she became obsessed with trying to find out why for months after. This led her to become fixated with the need to know the reasoning behind everybody's actions. She also had problems with her family when she announced she was making music in her spare time, her brother claiming that her music was awful and that she'd never be good at it. From that day on she put more effort into her music than ever, wanting to prove him wrong.

Mysterious SEKAI

Mayumi was working on music when the 'Untitled' song appeared. Playing it, she was transported to the Mysterious SEKAI. She entered into a clearing in the woods, surrounded with colourful plants in bright varying shades. She was curious about this, trying to figure out where she was and how she could get home. She was just about to check the Untitled song on her phone before Ikuo crashed into her through the trees. After a conversation where Ikuo explained what had happened to him and Mayumi had to convince him she wasn't also a 'Creepy demon', they found Tomoko, stepping into the clearing. The trio eventually set off to explore and found Hitomi and Miku.


After going through struggles and triumphs with the other members of Crimson Helix, she feels as though she has proved her brother wrong, caring deeply about the other three, trying to help them overcome their struggles and flaws as best she can.

04 - Trivia

  • Mayumi has a feminine voice that's very powerful and can hold long notes very well. She can switch between higher and lower pitches easily within a single lyric, which she prides herself in and sing for a long time without running out of breath

  • She works a part time job at a local coffee shop

  • Mayumi is also on the swim club

  • She is a very good baker, and loves making cakes and other desserts, bringing them to the SEKAI when the group have a success.

05 - Relationships

Fellow member of Crimson Helix

From the beginning, Mayumi recognised Hitomi's paranoia and the façade she put up to hide it. She did not call her out on this, however, knowing that would only make her trust her less. Instead, she held off and tried to invite Hitomi into a more calming environment.

Mayumi was probably the member of Crimson Helix Hitomi opened up to first, her soothing nature helping Hitomi feel more at ease.

Fellow Member of Crimson Helix

Mayumi clocked Ikuo's flaws easily, and as time progressed and he shared more about his past and about his brothers, she recognised why he acted the way he did, trying, with a lot of failures along the way, to help him overcome his childhood and lessen his ego.

Ikuo thought Mayumi was weird at first, and hated how easily she was able to read into people's body language and emotions, leading him to get defensive around her. He has since opened up somewhat, and recognised that Mayumi is trying to help him.

Fellow Member of Crimson Helix

Tomoko was harder for Mayumi to read than the other two members, yet once she realised his wish for close friends, she tried immediately to open up to him, wanting him to feel actually comfortable with the other members, instead of forcing themself to feel happy.

Tomoko enjoyed Mayumi's fellow curiosity about the SEKAI when they first met her, the two seemed to grow quite close after that, both of them being the more cheerful ones in the group.