Silas Phelonius



8 months, 11 days ago


Silas Phelonius
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Race: Human
Age: 45

Class: Lunar Sorcerer
Alignment: True Neutral
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Silas is generally calm and well-collected, however is susceptible to embarrassment in social situations despite his outgoing and charismatic nature. He enjoys meeting people and fears loneliness, and although he is likable he can often come across as uninterested, rude, or arrogant, due to a combination of his social status and rarely changing facial expression. Whilst he didn't intend on coming across that way, his unchanging countenance is mostly deliberate - he needs control over his body language to deceive and persuade others in his occupation, but partially unintentional due to stress and fatigue caused by struggling with osteoporosis and depression.

General Background + Information

Silas has always been upper-middle class, and got married to his wife Eleanor when he was around the age of 38. Some time afterwards, Silas would use his occupation as a merchant to scam aristocrats and others similarly wealthy to gain more money, which is where his skill for deception and persuasion would come into play. Of course, he never told Eleanor, and she would just assume he worked like a regular merchant. Recently, he had stolen an amulet which granted him access to magic - the sender being known as "The Pale Lady", or more commonly known as the moon. Due to this, however, a guard working for the victim of Silas' deceit shot Eleanor out of anger? Defense? Silas doesn't know why she was shot in place of him but at this point he doesn't care. He suppresses his feelings on this topic but can have outbursts that mainly consists of insults and blaiming, though he is just self projecting onto others as he still feels guilty and at fault for her death.

Silas carries around an umbrella, using it like a cane. It was his wife's, however Silas commissioned an artificer to modify it so it functioned as a sword, too (though it is hidden within the umbrella as a way to bypass laws on carrying weapons). He owns a blue hat that he bought to a dinner party not long after he left the house - it reminded him of Eleanor :)  He very much still loves her and wouldn't ever remarry from how he is as a character right now. He never went into a period of mourning, almost as a form of denial that Eleanor ever died. Although, he can get away with this because the 'expectations' of mourning weren't as strict on men.

He has been clawed in the chest (damage totalled to half of his hp) and bitten on the shoulder - both by the same Siren. I imagine he'd scar from this. His ribs also broke from that.