Hinata Arisato (Family)



2 years, 3 months ago


  • Yukari Takeba

Hinata's mother. Hinata has a great love for her mother, and they're very close. They share a lot of common interests, such as fashion, archery, and enjoying sweets. It was very important to Yukari to remain close to Hinata, after spending so many years being distant with her mother. However, Hinata struggles with guilt in regards to her birth. After Yukari became successfully pregnant with her, she left the showbiz industry to open a boutique on Port Island, thinking that it would be better for her unborn child. Yukari faced much criticism after Hinata was born, making Hinata think from time to time that it was better for Yukari that she hadn't been born. Hinata admires Yukari for her inner strength and Yukari's been a strong influence on Hinata all her life. Yukari wants nothing but the best for her daughter.

  • Minato Arisato

Hinata's father. While Minato has been dead since before Hinata was born, Hinata does hold a great deal of respect for him. She visits his grave with offerings in hand, as often as she can. She finds it comfortiing to talk to him about her sorrows. In a way she finds it easier to talk to Minato's grave about things festering in her heart. She just wishes that she could actually meet him. She has heard stories about Minato all her life but she can't help but wish to actually get to know him. One very good way to set off Hinata is to insult her father.

  • Yukio Sanada

Hinata's older first cousin. Yukio has always been more of an older brother to Hinata than an older cousin. She cares about Yukio a lot though sometimes she worries about how Yukio is so hard on himself about his own abilities. She sometimes has to look out for his health, with how Yukio tries to pack his schedule in order to feel accomplished. She wishes that he wouldn't push himself so hard, though, and that he would see his own self-worth.

  • Mikoto Shirogane

Hinata's younger first cousin. Due to Inaba's distance from Port Island, Hinata doesn't know her cousins from Inaba all that well. However, they do end up growing closer after Mikoto transfers to Gekkoukan High after her awakening. Even though Mikoto is much more tomboyish than Hinata, the two cousins grow to enjoy their time together. Hinata easily notices that Mikoto has a softer heart than what she likes to broadcast, and encourages her to show that side of her more.