Hinata Arisato



6 years, 8 days ago



Name Hinata Arisato
Kanji 有里 日陽
Nickname(s) Hina; Sunshine
Gender Cis ♀
Age 18-19
Blood Type B
Birthdate July 7th, 2024
Height 5'1" (155 cm)
Western Zodiac Cancer
Color Scheme Blue
First Appearance Chapter 1
Voice Claim Alexis Tipton
Persona Ostara


  • Hot Chocolate
  • Fashion
  • Ice Skating
  • Aromatherapy


  • Spicy Food
  • Solitude
  • Thunderstorms
  • Shoujo Manga



Ice Magic

Hinata has the ability to summon her Persona, Ostara. Ostara excels in ice magic.

Healing Magic

Ostara has some healing abilities, though it pales in comparison to Ruri and Yukio's Personas.

Battle Style

Hinata is very agile, due to her training as an ice skater. She's very used to doing flips and jumps. She's one of the best magic users of SPIES.


Hinata Arisato is the only daughter of Minato Arisato and Yukari Takeba. She is one of the co-founders of SPIES, and is considered second-in-command. Born years after her father's death, Hinata was conceived through in-vitro fertilization. A pretty and popular young woman, Hinata chooses to stay at Port Island, working in her mother's fashion boutique L'Amourex, while studying fashion design at Iwatodai University.

When the story begins, Hinata has recently graduated from Gekkoukan High. She is trying her best to stay alert, and keep out of trouble. However... things change when her childhood best friend Satomi returns from America.


Hinata Arisato was born to Yukari Takeba on July 7th, 2024. Hinata was born through in-vitro fertilization. 15 years prior to this, Mitsuru Kirijo was fascinated with how her father, Minato, and her aunt, Minako, were twin siblings and both wielded the Wild Card ability. She approached them about the possibility of allowing the Kirijo Group to study their DNA samples to see if the Potential was hereditary. The Arisato twins agreed and the Kirijo Group were allowed to study their DNA samples. Unfortunately this didn't gain much fruition, but Mitsuru ordered them to be preserved regardless.

Several years after, Mitsuru was being pressured to marry for the sake of an heir. But Mitsuru chose a different option: in-vitro fertilization. However, this got her thinking about Yukari, who after all these years, had never agreed to date another person. The Kirijo Group was able to inject a DNA sample into a dead sperm and that sperm could combined into an egg, allowing a woman to become pregnant from that. During the search for a good sperm donor, Mitsuru started to wonder if Yukari wanted a child. She approached Yukari about this and asked if she would like to have a child through this method.

After thinking about it for several months, Yukari agreed and nine months after the successful operation, Hinata was born. Hinata had a relatively happy childhood, with a mother who was absolutely devoted to her and a group of family friends who loved her dearly. However, despite all that, Hinata also had to deal with bullying, due to the stigma of bastards in Japanese culture. Her friends and family were always there for her though, so Hinata felt that she should be okay, as long as she had their support.

But things changed when her best friend Satomi announced her intention to go study abroad. After Satomi left, Hinata quickly realized that her best friend was like a buffer. It protected her from the worst of bullying. But Hinata managed to get through it; though it helped that her cousin Yukio was very protective of her.


Affable and friendly, Hinata is a kind-hearted young woman. But in spite of this, Hinata can be rather guarded. She's very cautious about displaying how she feels, preferring to hide her true feelings behind a smile. She has a tendency to put other people's needs above her own. Due to this, she has a tendency to crash hard when she finally can't handle her negative emotions any longer.

While Hinata can be fairly patient, she also has a wicked temper. Hinata is usually kind but watch out when you do make her lose her temper. Hinata can get very snippy and passive aggressive once her temper blows (though that takes a lot for it to happen).

Hinata hates burdening her loved ones. She tries not to think about her negative emotions when she can, but when she does, she broods over them for a long time. She hates talking about them, though, because she feels that she’s just being a problem and bothering others. She especially dislikes talking to her mother about them, as Hinata feels very guilty about the backlash that happened when her mother gave birth to her. Hinata adores her mother, so she doesn’t wish to cause Yukari to worry about her. Hinata has mixed emotions about romance. She longs for it, but she is also deathly afraid of abandonment. Secretly, she wonders if her family is cursed. Both her father and maternal grandfather had died, leaving her mother and grandmother heartbroken.

Hinata is very caring, setting her friends and family’s well-being above her own. She also has a tendency to fuss over her friends, valuing her loved ones above everything else. Hinata has a very loving heart, but she’s very used to being hurt due to people treating her poorly because of her birth. This resulted in her building walls, hiding behind her cheerful personality. She puts a lot of pressure on herself to be there for her loved ones, fearing that they won't want her around otherwise.


  • Hinata's name means day, sunshine.
  • Hinata adores sweets. She especially loves strawberry flavored sweets.
  • Hinata is a talented ice skater. She actually started Gekkoukan High's Ice Skating club. She was initially drawn to ice skating because she adored the beautiful ice skating outfits. But she eventually started to pay attention to the ice skating routines and fell in love with it.
  • Hinata's nickname, Hina, has been coined by her aunt Minako from a young age. Her family and friends almost always call her "Hina", but Hinata doesn't dislike her full name.
  • Hinata is a decent cook, but she treats cooking like a science. This drives Ruri crazy, who has always treated cooking more flexibly. But due to this, she is also an excellent baker.
  • One tic Hinata has is that she'll play with her bangs when deep in thought. She'll twirl it, or she'll blow it out of her face.
  • Hinata finds sport animes a little ridiculous with how they dramatize tournaments and such. Her favorite type of anime is a fusion of action & romance. She is notoriously picky with anime and manga.
  • Hinata has a deep fear of thunderstorms. She'll freak out and latch onto the closest person if a thunderstorm is brewing. When at home, she tries to cope by putting in music to drown out the thunder. This also manifests in her Persona, as her weakness is electricity.
  • Hinata is aware that aromatherapy has no real backing in science, but she still adores utilizing it. It may not have the claimed benefits, but Hinata loves the smells. It relaxes her.



Satomi Kirijo [ best friend ]

Hinata's best friend from their earliest days of childhood. However, their bond has faded due to Satomi's move to America and so initially their friendship was strained. Hinata was thrilled that Satomi was back but she was afraid of things changing too much and that they could no longer be as close as they once were. Thankfully, they manage to rekindle their friendship early on the story. Hinata serves as Satomi's second-in-command in SPIES and Satomi's confidante.


Tatsuo Amamiya [ love interest ]

Hinata gets off the wrong foot with Tatsuo initially, due to Tatsuo's pushing people away. But when they form SPIES, they begin to spend more time. This allows Hinata to see that Tatsuo is in fact a kindhearted young man, albeit jaded due to how he's been treated in the past. Hinata learns that many of Tatsuo's values align with her own.Tatsuo gradually becomes an important influence on Hinata, pushing her to not allow people's opinions to influence her so much.


Yukio Sanada [ first cousin ]

Hinata is an only child, but she was always close to her Sanada cousins. She is closest to Yukio, who's a little more than a year older than her. Yukio has always been more like an older brother to Hinata than just a cousin. He can be protective of her but has always tried to look out for her. Hinata really appreciates that her cousin so much, but seeing how down Yukio gets about himself... it greatly saddens Hinata. She wishes Yukio could see his good qualities.