Tatsuo Amamiya (Family)



2 years, 9 months ago


  • Ren Amamiya

Tatsuo's father. While father and son are very unlike each other in disposition, Tatsuo has nothing but respect for his father. He greatly admires Ren's drive and passion for creating change for the better. He also admires how well Ren can connect to others, something that Tatsuo struggles with at times. Tatsuo may greatly dislike people comparing him to Ren too often, but Tatsuo refuses to let it sour the good relationship he has with his father. However, Ren does have a tendency to tease Tatsuo, much to his chagrin. Ren sees a lot of good in his only son and wants to do his best in supporting Tatsuo as he figures out his own path.

  • Anne Amamiya

Tatsuo's mother. Even with her travels and job's demands, Anne has always been there for Tatsuo. While Tatsuo looks up to his father, he knows that he can go to his mother for advice, even if it's via phone call. Tatsuo also greatly respects his mother's work, and it's a genuine pet peeve of his when people dismiss the fashion industry and models in particular. Anne is the more physically affectionate parent, and while Tatsuo says it's mushy, he secretly enjoys the doting. Anne has always been a loving presence in Tatsuo's life, and in Tatsuo's opinion, he couldn't ask for a better mother.

  • Kimiko Amamiya

Tatsuo's younger sister. If you ask Tatsuo what he thought of his younger sister, he's more likely than that to say that Kimiko's a brat. However, most people do not realize that Tatsuo actually really cares for his sister. Kimiko's antics admittedly keep him on his toes. With their closer age difference, they have a tendency to butt heads. But because of this, Kimiko can also understand Tatsuo in a way that Akari cannot. Kimiko greatly worries for Tatsuo and wishes that he wouldn't push people away so much.