Tatsuo Amamiya



6 years, 5 days ago



Name Tatsuo Amamiya
Kanji 雨宮 竜夫
Nickname(s) Tatsu
Gender Cis ♂
Age 18-19
Blood Type O
Birthdate October 31st, 2024
Height 6'1" (186 cm)
Western Zodiac Scorpio
Color Scheme Black
First Appearance Chapter 2
Voice Claim Austin Lee Matthews
Persona Beowulf
HTML Pinky


  • Coffee
  • Mystery (genre)
  • Reality TV Shows
  • Rock Music


  • Green Tea
  • Horror (genre)
  • Squid
  • The Cold



Curse Magic

Tatsuo’s Persona Beowulf specializes in curse magic. However, his magic is not as strong as Hinata or Yukio’s.

Fire Magic

Beowulf can also use fire spells, but they can only strike one target at a time..

Battle Style

Tatsuo's weapon of choice is a pistol, gifted to him by his father Ren. Tatsuo is not the fastest member of the team; he's definitely no slouch but he is easily outsped by the likes of Reika, Yukio, and Hinata. He tends to use his guns in tandem with Beowulf.


Tatsuo Amamiya is the only son of the politician Ren Amamiya and the fashion designer Anne Amamiya. As the only son, the public tended to fixate on him. Tatsuo is not thrilled with this kind of attention, so during his third year of high school, he makes a decision. He was going to try to escape his parents’ shadows, and attend Iwatodai University on Port Island. It was halfway across the country, plus he heard that the Kirijo Group CEO’s daughter and heiress would be returning there, so hopefully that would take away the attention usually directed towards him.

Despite his parents’ misgivings, they eventually give in and give him their blessings. Tatsuo starts school at Iwatodai University, his major currently undeclared. He was ready for a quiet university life, so the excitement could die down. Except… he got dragged into the world of Personas and Shadows.


Tatsuo was born to Ren and Anne Amamiya on October 31st, 2024. He was their oldest biological child, but a few months before his birth, his parents adopted a 6 year old little girl, Akari. His parents were often busy with their work, but they arranged their schedules to ensure that Tatsuo and his two sisters, Akari and Kimiko, would always have at least one parent with them. Tatsuo had a fairly normal childhood, though on occasion, his classmates would tease him for his Caucasian looks, an inheritance from his mother. However, his parents would always shut down any bullying.

However, as Tatsuo got older, he started to notice people’s whispering. Over the years, Ren was slowly gaining prominence as a politician. He pushed for many reforms. And people noticed that they could possibly gain favors by approaching Tatsuo or his two sisters. Tatsuo got the lion’s share, however. Akari was the oldest, but she was adopted. Kimiko was young and a girl. Tatsuo also had to deal with constant comparisons to Ren. As much as Tatsuo admired and loved his father, he hated these comparisons. He wanted to be viewed as his own person.

It all came to a head during Tatsuo’s final year of high school. He was considering trying to study abroad to try and escape his parents’ shadows. However… he wavered. He didn’t want to move abroad, when it would be difficult to keep in contact with his family. But then he started overhearing about how Mitsuru Kirijo’s daughter Satomi was due to move back to Port Island. This was discussed while Tatsuo was in earshot, since one of his honorary uncles was personal friends with Mitsuru. He hatched an idea, to move to Port Island. He hoped that Satomi Kirijo’s return to Port Island would draw attention away from him.


When you first meet him, Tatsuo can come off as… ornery. In the past, many people have tried to use him for favors with either of his parents. As a result, Tatsuo despises fake niceties and is slow to trust people at face value. He holds himself at an arm’s length, because he’s just so used to people trying to use him.

Tatsuo isn’t afraid of voicing his thoughts. Part of this stems from his upbringing, as his father is a somewhat controversial politician, pushing for homosexual marriage to be legalized, demanding for orphanages and foster homes to be held at a higher standard, and etc. Tatsuo is very blunt when he expresses his opinions, seeing no need to be tactful. He has a very defined sense of his morals. He absolutely cannot stand for people to be taken advantage, having a bit of a vigilante streak. If he sees someone in trouble or possibly following a bad path, he will step up. He doesn’t want people to make the same mistakes he had when he was younger.

But despite Tatsuo’s rough exterior, he has a good heart. He especially has a soft spot for kids, though he sometimes can get overwhelmed by rambunctious children. He is a bit of a bully hunter, determined to help the defenseless in any way. Tatsuo also has zero tolerance of any type of sexual harrassment, considering people who partake in that to be lower than scum. He will often get physical when pulling away the offenders from their victims. Tatsuo can be awfully blunt, however, and can get rather sarcastic when speaking to someone he has a low opinion of. Tatsuo also excels in reading people’s intentions. It is very difficult to pull the wool over Tatsuo’s eyes. Tatsuo is a very principled young man. However, he is hampered with how he finds the need to hold himself at a distance, if you’re not his family or old family friends. It’s just a matter of breaking down his walls. If you do, you’ll find that Tatsuo is an extremely loyal friend.


  • Tatsuo's name means male dragon.
  • Tatsuo has an extreme weakness for sweets. He has a secret stash of chocolates in his bedroom.
  • Additionally, Tatsuo’s favorite type of cake is tiramisu. He is extremely picky with tiramisu, however. His favorite tiramisu comes from Cafe Noir, the cafe Haru runs in Tokyo.
  • Tatsuo’s honorary aunt Makoto often took him on motorcycle rides when she had time. This made Tatsuo develop a love for motorcycles and he got his license for a scooter as soon as possible. He owns a motorcycle, and spends a lot of time taking care of it. The other members of SPIES like to tease him that it’s his one true love.
  • Tatsuo is deeply afraid of heights. He gets an intense sensation of vertigo.
  • Tatsuo hates tea, but green tea especially. He is also incredibly snobby about coffee, looking down on instant coffee. He invests in a French press as soon as he can, claiming it’s the only way to get ‘proper’ coffee.
  • Tatsuo is often called Tatsu by his family. This was coined by his older sister Akari when he was just born. Hinata eventually adopts this nickname as well, but she attaches the -kun honorific to it.
  • Tatsuo likes watching American reality TV shows. He knows they’re fake but he can’t help it. It’s one of his biggest guilty pleasures. Plus, he claims that it at least helps him remain fluent in English.
  • It's a pet peeve for Tatsuo when people dismiss his grasp on English being due to his Caucasian heritage. Tatsuo didn't have the strongest grasp on it growing up but grew fluent due to studying the language extensively.
  • Tatsuo is an awful liar. He has absolutely no poker face and it’s too easy to tear his excuses into lies.



Akari Amamiya [ older sister ]

Akari is Tatsuo’s older sister by 6 years. They bicker the most when it comes to their family, but when it comes down to it, they love each other very much. One very good way to set off Tatsuo is to either mock Akari for being half-black or to claim that Akari isn’t really his sister, as she’s adopted. Akari has a tendency to nag at him, but she only does it because she worries about his tendency to hold himself away from people. Even though Tatsuo occasionally chafes under the nagging, Akari is one of the few people Tatsuo will listen at the beginning of the story. He loves her very much and wouldn’t trade her for the world.


Hinata Arisato [ love interest ]

Tatsuo's relationship with Hinata is initially rocky, due to Tatsuo's tendency to push people away. But they gradually get closer and closer as they work together in SPIES, allowing Tatsuo to see the girl behind the mask Hinata puts up. Their relationship can be heavily defined as "push and pull". They both recognize each other's weaknesses and they push each other for further self-improvement. But at some point, Tatsuo grows to realize that he has come to fall for Hinata.


Satomi Kirijo [ friend ]

Tatsuo's friendship with the leader of SPIES is more often than not belligerent. Tatsuo is very unlike Satomi, and this leads to often arguments. However, Tatsuo does offer a viewpoint that Satomi usually does not receive. This is especially prominent in combat, and through Tatsuo, Satomi slowly grows to become more flexible in her strategies and such. Tatsuo and Satomi eventually fall into a pattern of bickering. Tatsuo will not admit it but he highly values Satomi's presence in his life.