Ruri Aragaki (Family)



2 years, 2 months ago


  • Shinjiro Aragaki

Ruri's father. Growing up, Ruri was very close to Shinjiro. Shinjiro spoiled Ruri in his own way, buying her any books she wished for and cooking her favorite foods. Some of Ruri's favorite childhood memories involve Shinjiro teaching her how to cook. However, lately, a chasm has been forming between father and daughter. After Ruri's disappearance in Yggdrasil, Shinjiro has become more and more protective of Ruri. He feared losing her. But his treatment of Ruri is slowly pushing her away; it makes her feel that she's being babied by him and that Shinjiro doesn't trust her to take care of herself. But despite this, Ruri does still love and respect her father a great deal. She's just a little confused on how to make Shinjiro understand her side of things.

  • Fuuka Aragaki

Ruri's mother. Lately, Ruri has found it easier to talk to her mother. She has a very high opinion of Fuuka. Fuuka is smart, gentle, and kind, after all. Fuuka has always gone out of her way to take interests in Ruri's hobbies, due to Ruri's maternal grandparents disregarding Fuuka's wants so much. Ruri appreciates it but she shies away from allowing Fuuka to look at her writing. Ruri sometimes feels insecure about her hobbies, especially since her mother is so accomplished in the computer engineering industry. But she tries to not let it sour her relationship with her mother. She holds Fuuka in very high regard, and she appreciates that Fuuka is more amenable to letting her fight in Yggdrasil. Fuuka worries a lot about her only daughter, but understands that Ruri is no longer a child as much as she'd like to keep protecting Ruri.

  • Takeo Aragaki

Ruri's older brother. There's a sizable age gap between Ruri and Takeo, nearly six years. Ruri looked up to Takeo, growing up. Takeo had wanted a younger sibling for so long, so he also had a tendency to dote on Ruri. Ruri greatly admires Takeo's drive to help people by going into the biomedical field, even though it reminds Ruri's insecurity about her own wants. She can't help but feel that life would be easier if she was more like Takeo. She wish she could be unashamed of her own passions like Takeo is.