Ruri Aragaki



6 years, 8 days ago



Name Ruri Aragaki
Kanji 流理 流李
Nickname(s) Ru
Gender Cis ♀
Age 17-18
Blood Type O
Birthdate March 1st, 2026
Height 5'2" (158 cm)
Western Zodiac Pisces
Color Scheme Turquoise
First Appearance Chapter 1
Voice Claim Rena Strober
Persona Völuspá


  • Neo Feathermen Rangers
  • Reading
  • Writing
  • Cooking


  • Writer's Block
  • Heavy Metal
  • English (subject)
  • Using Make-up



Nuclear & Healing Magic

Ruri’s Persona Saga specializes in nuclear magic. She's one of the stronger magic users. Ruri is one of the best healers out of SPIES, being one of the two members capable of healing everyone.

Minor Analysis Abilities

Saga has minor analysis abilities, though it greatly pales to her mother’s and Touya’s Persona abilities. However, when she is supporting the team, she also has the ability to heal the others.

Battle Style

Ruri's not the most athletic member of the team. She's on the slower side and can be fragile. Ruri offsets this by using a longer ranged weapon, a halberd.


Ruri Aragaki is the only daughter of Shinjiro and Fuuka Aragaki. She is a third-year attending Gekkoukan High. At first glance, she seems rather studious and reserved. However, Ruri has recently gone through a life-changing experience…

Due to this life changing experience, her parents are currently quite overprotective of her. Ruri is chafing under this though, and wishes that her parents wouldn’t baby her so much. But she quickly notices that her childhood friends Satomi Kirijo and Hinata Arisato are up to something and she’s determined to investigate.


Ruri is the only daughter of Shinjiro and Fuuka. She was born several years after her brother Takeo. She was born premature, so this leads to her parents to worry a lot about her health, growing up. Ruri is very close to her parents, though, even if the fussing sometimes was grating.

During the winter of Ruri’s second year at Gekkoukan, Ruri began to notice that her parents were closeting themselves with their old high school friends more and more. Ruri was confused but listened to her parents’ cautioning to be careful when walking to and from school. They encouraged Ruri to walk to school with Hinata, her friend older by a year.

However, Ruri ended up in a unknown place. But it was actually... rather nice. Ruri had things in this new place that she wasn't even aware that she wanted. But a small voice in her head asked, "Wouldn't it be nice to stay here forever?"

To be continued.


Ruri is quiet and soft-spoken, but she’s far from shy. She just prefers to listen more than speaking. Because of this, she’s very observant, capable of picking up subtle cues that others may miss. But she’s rather opinionated when she chooses to speak her true thoughts. However, it’s usually like pulling teeth to get her to do that, as she feels that voicing her true opinions lands her in more trouble than not. When she does speak up, however, Ruri is shown to have quite a sharp tongue. However, she is often leery of showing how she truly feels.

Ruri is the baby of her group of her friends, but she hates being coddled. She has quite the independent streak. She sees it as people having a lack of faith in her. She can be rather pigheaded about this, often insisting that she can do things by herself. But despite that, Ruri worries a lot of what people think of. She has a tendency to focus on things that will please others. She has a talent for writing, but lately she has been neglecting it so she can focus on studying. She does pretty well in school, constantly ranking in the top ten of her class.

Ruri suffers from a low sense of self-esteem. She often tries to put herself last, reasoning that it’s better to please others first than herself. This is compounded by how Ruri is trying to push away her passion, writing. She feels that it’s a ‘useless’ talent, and that she is better off trying to be like her mother Fuuka and get into computer science. Ruri has an independent streak a mile wide though, and feels that she can’t confide in her friends and family about how she feels.

Ruri has many facets of herself that she needs to accept that are a part of her. Ruri cares too much about what people think of her. She’s spent many years, hiding her true thoughts. Many people have a wrong perception of her, due to her being afraid of embracing her true self. Ruri is a kind-hearted person, but the problem is that she bends too easily. She gives in to people’s demands all too easily. She craves acceptance, but she needs to learn not everyone will be open-minded. She needs to assert herself.


  • Ruri’s name means flow, plum. This is a nod towards Fuuka's name, which has the kanji for "wind". Plums symbolize spring, a promise of warmth, transition, and the promise of fruitfulness.
  • Ruri has a guilty pleasure of reading shoujo manga. She knows some of them are horribly cliché, but she can’t help but enjoy them.
  • You would not get Ruri to wear make-up even if you paid her. She doesn’t like the feeling on her face, so she absolutely refuses to wear it.
  • Ruri is incredibly close to both of her parents. She still calls them Mama and Papa.
  • Ruri’s eyesight is rather poor and has to wear glasses. She wears cat-eye glasses to be exact. Shinjiro claims the reason is that she never listened to him when he nagged at her to stop staying up so late and go to bed already.
  • Ruri is occasionally called "Ru". It was coined by Yukio.
  • Ruri’s favorite music genre is jazz. She finds it soothing and often listens to it when studying.
  • The fact that English is a compulsory subject for Japanese students is an extreme sore spot for Ruri. She excels in school, but she just cannot understand English. When she voices this in front of Tatsuo, however, he responds by speaking in English.



Reika Hanamura [ love interest ]

Ruri knew of Reika prior to their official meeting at the joint sport festival that Gekkoukan was hosting, as one of the transfer students. However, they didn't make an acquaintance with each other until the sport festival when Reika bumped into her... literally. Ruri, in a way, wishes that she could be more outspoken and confident like Reika, who doesn't care of others' opinions. As they spend more time ago, Reika helps bolster Ruri's confidence... which leads to Ruri to start crushing on her.


Yukio Sanada [ childhood friend ]

Ruri and Yukio’s fathers, Shinjiro and Akihiko, are best friends. Yukio has always acted like an older brother towards Ruri. Ruri finds it easy to confide into Yukio. Ruri has always leaned towards the more tomboyish side, so she had more in common with him and Kazuo than Satomi and Hinata. Though Yukio hovering over her after her incident is starting to grate on her nerves...


Mikoto Shirogane [ friend ]

To be written.