Thornpetal - he/him



9 months, 5 days ago



Thornpetal is a short tom who always makes sure to decorate himself. He's known mostly as the KorvidClan prophet.

The stars will follow the hollow sun and it's bloodshed.

| nomenclature

Thorn - for his spiky fur and old hobby of play-fighting
petal - for the dandelions he's always covered in.

| age


| moon phase

waning crescent

| gender

transgender male | he/him

| orientation


| story


| loyalty


| rank


| theme

another believer - meet the robinsons


Thornpetal is the soft-spoken prophet of Korvidclan. He's very quiet, although very proud. He also is the doting father of Rabbitfoot, and a little overprotective over her.

"Help me stop time, you're not allowed to be 19, you have to stay my precious baby."


Thornpetal is best described as quiet. He doesn't speak up for himself due to conditioning by his mentor, and only speaks up to defend Rabbitfoot or to speak the words of the stars. Though, he does have a few friends he speaks to outside of Rabbitfoot, including Oakwind, Tumblestorm, and his brother, Coyotetooth.

  • Likes
    • his daughter
    • his son-in-law
    • omen-seeking
    • dandelions
  • Dislikes
    • Lightningfoot
    • clan politics
    • herb organising
    • mayflowers

















  • Father: Snake
  • Mother: May
  • Siblings: Coyotetooth
  • Mate: n/a
  • Kit: Rabbitfoot


TL;DR Love loses, then won for a little, then lost again. did you understand that? me neither. hope this helps! [ Read more ]

{ pre-korvidclan }

Thornpetal was born as Molly during newleaf, to Snake and May, two kittypets. Molly expirenced what would be recognized in our medical system as Absence Seizures, or brief, sudden lapses in consciousness. This worried Snake and May, and they'd heard the wildcats knew how to help. Though, the tales of the bone-cracking, kitten-eating, and bloodthirsty wildcats worried them, so they simply decided to drop him off in the forest, leave, and if he never returned, that'd be that. They groomed their son for the last time and let him wander outside the gates, like he'd always dreamed. Since Molly was only a month old, he tired quickly and when he expirenced an absence seizure, a cat had lunged at him. He didn't wake up for a few days.

{ korvidclan }

Molly awoke to one of those big scary wildcats placing leaves on him. He let out a weak hiss before the wildcat purred in amusement. When the cat asked for his name, Molly said Python. He thought it'd scare the cat and he always liked when the housefolk's other cats would call him Python after his father and for his play-fighting skills. The cat simply purred their name was Rainfoot after. Python asked about the cat who lunged at him and Rainfoot told him he'd been mistaken for a rabbit because of his erratic movements, small size, and white fur. Python fell into sleep once again, but when he woke up the next time, Rainfoot was excitedly telling him about him joining the wildcats. Python didn't object as he was renamed Thornkit and got to play with other kits. By the time Thornkit was renamed to Thornpaw and made a prophet, the absence seizures had stopped. Thornpaw was apprenticed to Foxleap, who taught him to sit down and shut up, unless he had a death wish. Since prophets usually graduated earlier than warriors, Thornpaw got to graduate with his slightly older friends. Thornpaw got his final name, Thornpetal. He liked this name, it reminded him a little of May, who always had white petals in her fur. A few days after Thornpetal's 22nd birthday, Thornpetal spotted a small kit, her name was 'Stone'. Thornpetal renamed her to Rabbitkit. He took care of them and when Rabbitkit was five moons old, Thornpetal recieved an omen. A bloody, weak gray rabbit. Thornpetal told Hailstar about this omen, and they both agreed that this meant starclan would be upset if Rabbitkit grew into a prophet. Thornpetal still mentored her, scared that another warrior like Foxleap would instead mentor her. Four moons after Rabbitpaw's apprentice ceremony, the sun went hollow. The sun's light was overtaken by a black disc, and yowls filled the air. Thornpetal immediately recognized Tumblestorm's screech of pain.

{ post-eclipse }

Thornpetal ran. He wasn't too fast and didn't have much stamina but he didn't care. He was running on adrenaline. When he came across a badger den, the source of Tumblestorm's screams, Thornpetal didn't think. He ran in, Rabbitpaw and Cascadewind ran in with him. Thornpetal barely lived to see Tumblestorm escape, with his son and Cascadewind. Thornpetal closed his eyes, hoping the stars would let him escape the pain. Thornpetal did wake up, but not as himself.




Thornpetal trusted Korvidclan with his life and never had reason to hate them. Basically if Korvidclan was America, Thornpetal would have an arsenal of guns and American flags everywhere.

TumbleStorm . [ friend ]

CoyoteTooth . [ brother ]

OakWind . [ friend ]

code by Leporidebug