


9 months, 10 days ago


Quote here


Charismatic > Not only does Tulipwhistle love to talk, but she keeps the conversation going. She has an excellent social sense, including anyone and everyone and ensuring that others are happy. It’s hard to not want to listen to her because she’s just so charming in every word.

Passionate > Whatever she does, she does with passion. Tulipwhistle puts her all in every move that she makes, and there is no duty that doesn’t go undone. She is always ready to get to work and work with a smile.

Adaptable > Change is no issue for Tulipwhistle; she’ll just change with time! She is excellent at adjusting to whatever is put in front of her, even if she may not like it. Because of this, one can always rely on her to change at the last second.


Ambitious > Tulipwhistle looks towards the future and always has a goal to accomplish in mind. She finds herself more driven to get something done when there is a motive behind it, and that motive can be as small as feeding the clan. But sometimes her goals can be too out there to reach, and she finds herself stretching herself too much to reach them.

Influential > She is a natural leader and can take charge at the drop of a mouse. Tulipwhistle brings authority to the table, easily able to get others on board and listen. That doesn’t always mean that what she does and tells others to do is right, though.

High-Spirited > Tulipwhistle is never without energy, and she is always ready to jump in and tackle what’s ahead of her with an optimistic view. She brings the energy and mood up with her high spirits. Sometimes she’s just so energetic, though, that she can be difficult to keep up with.


Assertive > She puts her best foot forward, but sometimes it can be a bit too forward. Tulipwhistle tends to push herself and her beliefs on others, including what she believes is right. It makes trying to reason with her turn more into some form of an argument if someone were to disagree with her, and she’d rather turn her nose up to them than budge.

Meddlesome > Tulipwhistle has a terrible habit of pushing her nose in places where it doesn’t belong. Everything that happens has to be her business, too, and she’ll listen into every corner of the camp to make sure she doesn’t miss anything. Her constant need to know everything can be downright annoying and difficult to work with, especially if you’re one for privacy.

Haughty > Tulipwhistle personally believes she is the best thing that can happen to someone. She seems to have a hard time thinking that she does anything wrong and can’t admit to her own mistakes. Unfortunately for her, she often lets her big ego get to her head and will do things that are way out of her league just to prove how amazing she is.


Prefix meaning
The flower litter theme and her pink-toned pelt
Suffix meaning
Her outspoken and assertive personality
Previous names
Tulipkit, Tulippaw
Tulip, Tuli

Past Clans
Past ranks
Kt, Apprentice

Current Apprentice
Past apprentices
12+ Moons
Cisgender Female


Appearance > Red tabby she-cat with green eyes and a folded ear
Build > Small and round with a thick tail
Fur > Medium-length and thick; sheds a lot

Scent > Aspen trees
Voice > Derina Harvey


Breeds: Moggy

Height: 21 cm
Weight: 8.1 lbs


Scars > N/A
Accessories > N/A
Bans > N/A
Other items used > N/A









  • Agility [4/10]
  • Stealth [6/10]
  • Speed [3/10]
  • Strength [8/10]
  • Endurance [9/10]
  • Climbing [5/10]
  • Swimming [6/10]


  • Sight [5/10]
  • Scent [5/10]
  • Hearing [5/10]
  • Taste [5/10]
  • Touch [5/10]


  • Den Building [5/10]
  • Battle tactics [8/10]
  • Hunting tactics [8/10]
  • Kitting [0/10]
  • Herbal [0/10]
  • Niche* [0/10]
  • Sign Language [7/10]


Honeybee | Parent | Golden tabby trans she-cat with blue eyes and a folded ear | Mothfluttter
Rogue Surrogate | NPC


 Poppysky | Red tabby tom with green eyes and folded ears | Thrushgh0st
 Daisybloom | Dilute calico she-cat with blue eyes and a floppy ear | NorthernSadness
Irisgrove | Brown tabby tom with blue eyes and folded ears | Melontine
Pansysun | Golden tabby she-cat with heterochromatic green and blue eyes and folded ears | XxGlowingxX






Peonywing | Grandmother | Calico she-cat with blue eyes and floppy ears | NPC
Tumblesprout | Grandfather | Ginger tabby tom with a twisted front foot | NPC


Previous Mates
Romantic Interests
Looking for
Interesting in kits
Preferred family size


  • Confident Personalities
  • Physically strong


  • Undecisive Personalities


Kithood [0 - 6 moons] >

   Eager to have his own family and become a parent, Honeybee, although sad to be unable to share his experience with his close friend, Shrewflight, decided it was time to have kits. After all, he wasn't getting any younger, and it would only be a matter of time before he wouldn't be able to have his own kits. Nevertheless, he was excited to meet his little ones in a couple of moons as he prepared for their arrivals.
    The first born of the litter, Tulipkit was loud and proud in her very first breath. She was followed shortly after by her sisters, Pansykit and Daisykit, and her brothers, Poppykit and Iriskit. The moment she opened her eyes and was able to walk, Tulipkit had made herself known to the nursery, going around talking to the queens, caretakers, and other kits. She was eager to get her life started and make new relationships.
    Tulipkit couldn't really gauge whether things were eventful or not. On one paw, the nursery was boring. Some of her littermates made some group with others and often went off to do things. Tulipkit couldn't be bothered to join them; she had other, more important things to do. There would be some cats that came to the nursery to visit, or some that even moved in, like Lightember.
    On the other paw, though, there were cats dying and talking about some bad group of cats that are causing problems. No one that got sick or died were cats that Tulipkit would consider a part of her life, though the many vigils being in the first couple of moons of Tulipkit's life was a bit odd. Did cats die this often? She figured she wouldn't go out so pathetically like these cats when she grew up. She'd live forever.
    Perhaps she shouldn't have wished for something more eventful, because the camp ended up raided by these bad cats that others whispered about. The cats came in droves, quickly invading MarshClan's camp and attacking cats left and right. Tulipkit remained in the nursery with her family, hissing ferociously whenever a stranger tried to get close to them. They seemed to be left alone for the most part, the strangers focusing most on the cats outside and the herbalist's den. But although they were saved from the terror, the clan would still suffer from many losses. Cats died in the attack, including the elder Dapplecrash. And, shockingly, Lightember had been taken hostage by the strange group. Tulipkit hadn't even noticed that she was missing, her attention solely on her own family. How could they take a pregnant cat? She knew they were bad, but she truly didn't expect the bile coming up her throat when she heard that someone so vulnerable would be taken against their will. They better watch out, because Tulipkit would be coming for them in the future!
    After that attack, Tulipkit would often be found scratching at the roots of the tree in camp or pouncing on unsuspecting bugs in efforts to train. She often thought in her head that if someone saw how serious she was with her training, they would make her an apprentice early so that she could go help get back Lightember and beat up some big evil cats. But it never seemed to work, as cats would think she was just playing and coo at her in kind words. Her pelt would bristle at this. Was she not serious enough?
    Out of nowhere, about a moon later, Lightember was returned to MarshClan and she was back in the nursery. Did those vile cats open their eyes to reason and see the wrong in their ways? She didn't look worse for wear, but her eyes seemed haunted, as if she had been through the Dark Forest and back. She stopped talking, frozen in the nursery for a long time. Tulipkit would try to talk to her with a loud voice, thinking maybe she had gone deaf. Honeybee put a stop to that quickly. Lightember didn't seem very keen to discuss what she had seen, and Tulipkit puffed her cheeks out, thinking she was the problem. No matter; she'll get the information from somewhere else! At least Lightember was safe.
    The nursery quickly overrun by a bunch of small new kits as Flywing, Lightember, and Frostheart all gave birth to their kits over the course of a couple of moons. It was weird, thinking that she was somehow one of the older kits now. Weirder than coming back to the nursery after a long day of training and chasing tails and seeing new kits. Tulipkit sniffed at them curiously for a long time, being told off by Honeybee to let the newborns rest. Even stranger, still, was when Shadyfog, one of Sundewkit and Lionkit's parents, decided to return to her warrior duties after they had been weaned. Was Honeybee going to do that to Tulipkit and her littermates? He better not! Otherwise, Tulipkit would be just as angry as Sundewkit was with her mother.
    There were a lot of changes to the nursery in quick succession, including Cedarbark moving in to help Lightember and Frostheart giving birth to three new kits. There were also two new caretakers, who smelled funny. Tulipkit learned that they were a part of HailClan, but they had decided to move to MarshClan. Tulipkit was untrustworthy of this, squinting at them conspicuously and fluffing up in defiance whenever they got near her.
    They weren't the only new members of MarshClan, as Waspstar granted a rogue that MarshClan had helped the opportunity to join. They were named Bellflowersnow. No one really trusted them, save for a select few. Tulipkit was among those that didn't trust them. There was so many things going on in the outside world, who was to say this cat was actually nice? Tulipkit simply couldn't trust them before they could prove that they were loyal to the clan.
    In the meantime, Tulipkit came to be friends with one of Frostheart's kits, Fernkit. Her brothers had their weird friend group, saying they would protect all of MarshClan. That sounded fun, but Tulipkit didn't want to play in some of their games, resulting in her feeling a bit left out. She personally felt arrogant the moment she made a new friend in Fernkit, puffing out her chest and telling anyone who would listen that she had a new friend. She spent a lot of her free time with Fernkit, showing her the moves that she had been working on since the attack on the camp and practicing with her on top of playing games. It was so much better than what her brothers had to offer.

Apprenticeship [6 - 12 moons] >
    It was only a matter of time before she would be officially a warrior apprentice and could actually put her training to use. Six moons went by quickly--although far too slow for her--and she was up in front of Waspstar receiving her apprentice name and mentor.
    Tulippaw was given Periwinklehowl as her mentor. He wasn't as outgoing as her, being rather levelheaded and easy-going. When Tulippaw emphasized how desperate she was to learn fighting, he told her to slow down, which annoyed her. Was this really the best that Waspstar could give her? Hopefully she could change Periwinklehowl's mind on training her to fight.
    It was just before her apprentice ceremony that some CloudClan cats had come seeking refuge after the Empire drove them out, and now it was getting out of hand. More of them were found in the tunnels a moon later, with many of them having to go to the herbalists' den to be treated. They must have been down there this entire time given their condition, and while Tulippaw felt bad for them, she was also a bit exasperated at the situation. The camp was getting cramped, and MarshClan's resources were being outsourced to another clan. It was a bit frustrating if you asked her. At least the CloudClan cats that were fit seemed in their right minds enough to help with feeding their mouths.
    Over the course of the next couple of moons, Tulippaw got a lot of new denmates. She didn't realize how many kits were close to six moons, and the apprentices' den was just as crowded as the camp itself. She bit back her irritation from it all, dragging her nest closer to her littermates and piling on with them at night. Did that really solve the feeling of being cramped? Not really, but it made her feel a bit more safe. That wasn't to say she didn't feel safe around the other apprentices, but she just didn't like being surrounded by a bunch of cats she didn't really talk to.
    Fernkit's brother, Dandelionkit, had been in and out of the herbalists' den for some time. The herbalists thought he was doing well enough to be released, but he was suddenly rushed back when he took a turn for the worse. Tulippaw didn't really know how to react to this or how to comfort Fernkit. Was Fernkit even worried? She definitely seemed a bit more agitated... so maybe? Tulippaw wanted to cheer up her friend and be there for her! Tulippaw spent more time with Fernkit and even showed her some of the cool things she learned from training that day. It seemed to get Fernkit's mind off of it a bit... but it wasn't enough. Tulippaw could see how she would glance at the herbalists' den, and she knew that Fernkit was worried about Dandelionkit. Tulippaw couldn't help but puff out a bit at this, but she took a deep breath. She attempted to reassure Fernkit that her brother would be alright. And even if he wasn't, she would still have Tulippaw! There was no reason for Fernkit to worry so much.
    Tulippaw thought she had done well comforting her until Fernkit suddenly tackled her and cuffed her harshly over the head. Tulippaw's mind whirled in confusion. What happened? Fernkit yelled at her about being insensitive and cruel. Tulippaw didn't understand what she meant by that. She was trying to cheer her up! Tulippaw lashed back, saying that Fernkit was being overdramatic about it all and that she needed to look for the positives more. Their tussle ended sourly, and though no blood had been shed, Tulippaw certainly felt like something was lost that day. She turned one last glance over at Fernkit, but her former friend didn't look back. That was the last that Tulippaw visited her in the nursery.
    Of course, that avoidance didn't last very long, because shortly after their fight, Fernpaw and her sister, Ladybugpaw, became apprentices. They moved into the apprentices' den, and Fernpaw made it obvious that she was avoiding Tulippaw when she set up her nest far from hers. Tulippaw fluffed up in indignation, but she didn't say anything. Fine! Fernpaw wanted to play this game? Tulippaw could play, too, and she wasn't going to lose.
    Tulippaw began to train even harder after all that, wanting to prove that she was strong and didn't need her friend. She would bug Periwinklehowl for more training sessions, and she volunteered for patrols often, even if her mentor wasn't on them. Besides, he was starting to get a bit distracted by Magnoliabird, another warrior who had just received Webpaw as an apprentice after her previous mentor died. Tulippaw noticed that they were training them together more, which Tulippaw didn't mind so to say... but the attention to her training specifically seemed to be almost diverted a little since Periwinklehowl started talking to Magnoliabird. It annoyed Tulippaw, but she bit her lip and just continued to work harder without him.
    The strange rogue that MarshClan had taken in, Bellflowersnow, was revealed to be a spy for the Empire. Tulippaw didn't know all of the details, but the rogue apparently ran off before anything could be done about them. She wondered if that was really smart; shouldn't they have at least brought her back, if not stopped her right then and there? Her brow arched at the mention of it all, but at least her intuition was right about not trusting them. Maybe it would open Waspstar's eyes to not accepting rogues so quickly.
    She couldn't say the same for CloudClan's leader, Cheetahstar. Another group of CloudClan cats found their way to MarshClan, led none other by a kittypet! What in StarClan's name was going on? Not only that, but the kittypet asked to join CloudClan, and Cheetahstar agreed. Apparently, CloudClan knew the kittypet and trusted him, but Tulippaw was skeptical. At least he wasn't in MarshClan, and he would leave as soon as they got CloudClan's situation under control. She just wished that would come sooner rather than later.
    Periwinklehowl announced his mateship to Magnoliabird, and Tulippaw rolled her eyes. As if it wasn't obvious enough, now they were official. Perhaps now that they weren't pining for each other, Tulippaw's training wouldn't feel like a secondhand thing in her mentor's mind. Not that it ever really was, but she certainly felt like it was.
    Around this time was when Dandelionpaw was not only released from the herbalists' den again, but he was also made an apprentice. His family seemed relieved to see him coming out of what had taken over his kithood, including Fernpaw. She had so happily made a place for him in the apprentices' den and welcomed him, as did many of the other apprentices. Tulippaw sat on the sidelines while that all happened, only glancing every once in a while to watch the commotion. She wouldn't have been welcomed, anyway, and she didn't need to be welcomed. It would only be a matter of time before it wouldn't be her issue anymore. She was going to be the best warrior of MarshClan and prove that she was right, that she would always be there.
    Finally, the rest of CloudClan was found in the tunnels--unfortunately by MarshClan. They were taken in to be treated, but it was time for the clans to retaliate and get CloudClan's territory back. The clans formulated a massive plan, and though Tulippaw wanted to join, she was turned down. Periwinklehowl wanted her to stay safe back home, and while she understood his concern, she was strong! She was almost a warrior! And her brother, Poppypaw, was allowed to go! She huffed but backed down, slumped in disappointment back at camp the entire time while she heard the cries of battle in the distance.
    Thankfully, the attack was a success and the Empire was driven out. Even better, Poppypaw wasn't injured in the fight. MarshClan did lose Hackberrytoe, who was someone that Tulippaw didn't know too well aside from them being Fernpaw's older sibling, but at least they didn't lose more. Unfortunately, they found CloudClan's camp a complete wreck, and their clan would need to work on repairs before they could even consider moving back. So the portion of CloudClan that stayed with MarshClan remained with them while repairs began.
    While the win was a celebration, something strange was beginning to transpire. Claytansy and Kitewillow were suddenly brought to the herbalists' den for some sickness. Tulippaw wondered if it was the same sickness that confined Dandelionpaw in the herbalists' den for so long, and her fur bristled in concern at the idea. Would Dandelionpaw catch it again? She hoped not. Fernpaw didn't need that... even if she's been a brat.

Warriorhood [12 moons - present] >
    She didn't have very much time to think about the sickness, because she had her warrior assessment to worry about. Thankfully, she passed it with flying colors, earning her mentor's high praise. Even better, her littermates all passed, as well! Soon enough, they were awaiting in front of Waspstar for their warrior names, paws tingling with great anticipation.
    She went first, as the oldest of the litter. She was named Tulipwhistle for her outspoken personality, and she fluffed up with appreciation. The name was perfect, and she was a warrior! Her littermates were named Daisybloom, Poppysky, Irisgrove, and Pansysun, each of which she cheered brightly for. Their vigil was unceremonious that night, and the next day, they all got to start their lives as MarshClan warriors.
    Not long after she became a warrior, it was announced that CloudClan's camp had been repaired and they were able to go home. The camp felt so big and spacious without the extra cats! Tulipwhistle couldn't help but roll in the clearing with delight. It's not that she hated CloudClan or anything, but it was just so cramped and uncomfortable. She looked forward to the space, especially since MarshClan was rapidly growing with the birth of new kits.
    The strange illness was starting to get worse, though, and she wouldn't have much time to celebrate all of the changes. Butterflydawn had started to show symptoms, and other cats, too, including Mushroomstep and Pearldance. The illness really hit everyone when Claytansy and Kitewillow both died to it. This was a lot more serious than they were expecting, and it had everyone worried. Tulipwhistle couldn't help but demand her littermates to tell her if they ever felt off, lest she shove them to the herbalists' den herself. She'd have to keep a lookout for any symptoms from them or her loved ones, all while eyeing the herbalists' den and everyone that went in.
    Meanwhile, Waspstar decided to step down. He was getting up there in age, so it made sense, but Tulipwhistle also wondered if this was really the time to be going through such a massive change. Some strange illness was going around, and now they were getting a new leader? It made MarshClan look unstable, and she was unsure about it all. Still, she cheered with the clan for Egretstar, and she knew he would do good as leader. She only hoped that the change wasn't an ominous omen for the future.
    Irisgrove was admitted to the herbalists' den for weakness and lethargy. Tulipwhistle bristled when she first heard about it, and she marched over to the herbalists' den to check on her brother. He was just fine the day before! How did he suddenly contract the illness? How did the illness spread? Was it by contact, by air? All of these questions swarmed her mind as she watched her brother, who looked so unlike himself. Her nose wrinkled in disdain, angry at the world for letting this happen to her precious brother. She would find a way to make him better. She had to, before he shared the same fate as Claytansy and Kitewillow...
    More cats continued to catch the illness, which the herbalists' came together to name wasting disease. Watching her brother, Tulipwhistle hated to agree with the name. It made strong cats get down on their bellies, and it whisked them away on the wind like they were nothing. Mushroomstep lost his battle to it, and Tulipwhistle found herself checking on Irisgrove more. She couldn't bear the idea of losing one of her littermates like that.
    Periwinklehowl and Magnoliabird announced that they would be having kits, and Tulipwhistle personally congratulated her mentor, slapping him on the back with her tail. She demanded to meet the kits when they were born, as she would be their godmother, right? Right? That wasn't actually discussed, but she believed in her mind that she would be something great for those kits as she would protect them from wasting disease and everything else. Of course, this meant that Magnoliabird's apprentice had to be reassigned, and although Tulipwhistle knew Webpaw a little from their time training together, she wasn't close enough with her to really worry about her. She was strong, and she'd deal with the reassignment just fine.
    Hawkclaw was found dead by a patrol. He was surrounded by the bodies of some Empire cats, who MarshClan could only assume he had killed. He was a valuable warrior in Tulipwhistle's mind, and she was sad to hear of his passing. She attended his vigil quietly, though she kept her distance, letting his family and close ones stay by his side as she respected him tail-lengths away. Her concern for wasting disease had consumed her so much that she had forgotten about the issue that is the Empire. They needed to deal with them, too, if Periwinklehowl's kits were going to grow up in a comfortable environment.
    Shortly before Egretstar named Opossumshriek the new deputy, a warrior by the name of Bristlefur left MarshClan in favor of CloudClan. Supposedly, she made friends with CloudClan while they stayed there and preferred them over MarshClan, or that's how it looked in Tulipwhistle's eyes. She couldn't believe someone would so casually up and leave their clan like that. It just didn't make any sense. That was okay; MarshClan didn't have any room for traitors.
    The worst that could possibly happen happened, and Honeybee caught wasting disease. He was put in the herbalists' den with Irisgrove, and Tulipwhistle's visits became more frequent. She couldn't believe that her family was falling ill to this disease. They were all so strong! To watch this terrible disease take them down and leave them stranded in their nests broke her heart. She wondered if Honeybee had been weakened by Hawkclaw's death, knowing he was one of his friends. She promised her mother that she would find a cure, that everything would be okay. It had to be okay.
    As if StarClan was listening to her prayers, a stranger suddenly barged into the camp, begging for help. MarshClan quickly discerned him as an Empire cat, but he seemed so helpless and small that no one dared attack him. He told the clan that the disease was spreading in the Empire, too, and that the father of his kits was sick. Apparently, this cat was once a MarshClan cat: Lightember's adopted son. After listening to his please and his bargains, Egretstar agreed that MarshClan would work with him to find a cure for wasting disease. Tulipwhistle didn't really like the idea of working with an Empire cat, but if it meant she could save her mother and brother, then she would do anything.
    But it was too late. Honeybee, like many cats before him, succumbed to the disease. Tulipwhistle and her littermates were all crushed. Her sisters cried over his body, and Irisgrove went silent. Tulipwhistle, herself, got more agitated, and she found herself snapping at anyone that approached. She didn't mean to be so cruel, but she just lost her mother! She was so angry at StarClan for taking him, angry at the Empire for bringing this disease, angry at everything. She had to find the cure for Irisgrove. She couldn't lose her brother like that, too. She found herself volunteering more to help the Empire cat with his studies on the cure, going out to look for anything that could help or escorting the cat. This loss hurt her, but it drove her even more to keep trying.
    Cats continued to get sick, but Butterflydawn seemed to be recovering herself. She said that she had been trying some of the treatments on herself, and there was something that was working. This was a start, and Tulipwhistle was so grateful for that start. It was a step closer to a cure that they could spread across the clans and help not only MarshClan and the Empire, but everyone.
    Wasting disease and the Empire wouldn't be their only concerns, though. Suddenly, some wild dogs had found themselves on MarshClan's territory and attacked a patrol. Unfortunately, that patrol had Tulipwhistle's littermates on it, all three of the healthy ones. While none of them were killed like Minkbriar and Oaktooth, they were all injured and had to stay in the herbalists' den. Other cats had also died to other issues, including wasting disease, but Tulipwhistle was too narrowed in on the fact that her littermates were injured. Her fur flared up until she was twice her size, and she found herself marching over to the entrance of camp. Why? Well to find those dogs, of course. How dare they injure her littermates! She couldn't believe they would think that they could get away with it. She was stopped by Fernspark, who had just become a warrior that same day. She yelled at Tulipwhistle, asking her what she would do. They ended up escalating into an argument. Tulipwhistle found out that Fernspark apparently thought she didn't care about Dandelionpaw, and she bristled in confusion. What in StarClan's name was Fernspark talking about? It left her lost, as all this time, they were fighting over a... a misunderstanding. Her anger was simmered by this revelation, and though she still left camp, she didn't chase the dogs. She needed time to think. Alone.
    Magnoliabird gave birth to five healthy kits, and Tulipwhistle was one of the first to greet the little ones to the world. She congratulated Periwinklehowl and Magnoliabird on their kits, and she promised to visit every day and play with the kits. Maybe she would teach them some moves when they got older. Maybe she could mentor one of them in the future! She was already imagining this as a reality, and she puffed her chest in pride.
    The treatments were working. Irisgrove was reacting well to the treatments, and he was moving a bit better. Soon, Poppysky and Pansysun were released from the herbalists' den, too. Things were looking up for her family, but Tulipwhistle couldn't help but still dwell over what happened with Fernspark. She couldn't wrap her head around what she had heard, how the misunderstanding had escalated to them hating each other's guts. It caused her own belly to twist with unease. She needed to figure that out--if not for their relationship, then at least to ease Tulipwhistle's heart.

Name | Relationship

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First Impressions

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First impression

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First Impression

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First Impression

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First Impression

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First Impression

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First Impression

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First Impression

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