Lady Vest



9 months, 16 days ago


Lady Vest is one of the Great Forge's Noble FlameKeepers. She is the Chief Armorer of the Flame Wardens and is responsible for officializing the creed to new Flame Wardens as well as bestowing them their personal signets.

-=General Info=-
Name: Vest
Pronunciation: Veh-ss-T
Nicknames: [TBA]
Age: 55
Creation Date: July 23th, 2023
Birthplace: The Great Forge (The Great Mountain of Sol)
Species: Stick figure
  Race: Stick
  Ethnicity: Flame Warden
Gender: Female (She/Her)
Height: 5'9
Status: Active

Current residence: The Great Forge
Occupation: Noble FlameKeeper (Armorer)
Relationship status: Taken
Social status: A Noble FlameKeeper, the high council of the Flame Wardens.

-=Distinguishing features=-
Lady Vest is a brown stick figure with a strong and curvy build. She wears heavy burgundy armor with glowing orange openings that generate heat. She also wears a cape made of dark grey fur and a tailskirt of the same material. Her conviction is on her right arm while her left arm is covered in a long leather glove.

Likes: Forging, Teaching
Dislikes: Evil, Unjust, Crime
Fears: Unknown
Hobbies/Pastimes: Working, Reading
Guilty pleasures: Tea
Pet Peeves: Heckling
Personal goals: Managing her people
Religious values: The Sun Goddess.
General Intelligence: High Intelligence
General sociability: Average

Lady Vest is a fierce, stoic, and somber woman with a grim vibe and very noble attributes. She takes her duties as the Armorer extremely seriously, making her a very strict individual who can often be a little intimidating to interact with. This sense of authority can also diffuse tension and get people on task. She is very dedicated to the way of the Flame Keepers and the goddess of the sun. She can be very wise and inspiring. A strong and capable leader.

-=Abilities and Powers=-
Spirit Weapon: Justice
Lady Seraph's spirit weapon is a flaming axe named "Justice." A powerful weapon that has cleaved many foes in her time. 

Lady Vest currently has no relevant family as of this moment.

Lady Seraph- [TBA]
Cole- [TBA]
Fiori- [TBA]
Divina- [TBA]

Lady Vest currently has no notable rivals.

Lady Vest currently has no notable enemies.


-=Other Details=-