Arthis (Cole Altayr)



9 months, 9 days ago


Cole is an alternative variant of Arthis that was born in the world of Estorra. In this universe, he was born as a Flame Warden who set off on his odyssey, a noble tradition to those in his people who reach their coming of age. Currently, he travels Estorra, helping those in need, providing the people with his Flame Warden smithing skills in order to find his infernal epiphany.  

-=General Info=-
Name: Cole Altayr
Pronunciation: Cole Al-Tai-Year
Nicknames: [TBA]
Age: 21
Creation Date: December 15th, 2022
Birthplace: The Great Forge (The Great Mountain of Sol)
Species: Stick figure
  Race: Stick
  Ethnicity: Flame Warden
Gender: Male
Height: 5'10
Status: Active

Current residence: Celius City
Occupation: Hero
Relationship status: Single
Social status: A noble hero from the mysterious flame warden society. 

-=Distinguishing features=-
Cole resembles Arthis to a great degree, he is an average-sized stick figure with a mane of spikey hair and a strong build. He wears an open-sleeveless vest that exposes his chest and legs.

However, unlike Arthis' blue hue; Cole's skin and hair tone hand a purple hue to them, he has radiant orange eyes and no visible pupils. His hair is more wild and spaced out with two tuffs of hair hanging off the sides of his face. His vest is also much longer, reaching down to his shin regions. He also wears a dark purple chest plate with various belts attached all over his abdomen, donning dark purple boots with belts on his knee areas. Finally, on his left arm, he sports the conviction tattoo that summons his spirit weapon.

Likes: Eating, Forging, Training
Dislikes: Evil, Unjust, Crime
Fears: Death, Loneliness, Shame
Hobbies/Pastimes: Eating, Sleeping, Working
Guilty pleasures: Daydreaming, Muttering
Pet Peeves: Minor errors in his work (Perfectionist)
Personal goals: Become a hero that saves people
Religious values: The Sun Goddess.
General Intelligence: General Intelligence
General sociability: Average

Cole is a noble fighter for justice and virtue. He's a flame warden dedicated and loyal to his people. Like Arthis he is rather protective and dedicated to those he cares deeply for and will sacrifice everything to make sure innocent lives are saved. He can often be stubborn and tunnel-visioned and he may be irresponsible over his own well-being when compared to others.

Unlike Arthis, Cole is more focused and less naive. His head is more on top of things and focused.

-=Abilities and Powers=-
Spirit Weapon: Dawn Forger
 Cole's spirit weapon is called Dawn Forger, a large two-handed hammer he crafted with his blood sweat, and tears. A flaming hammer capable of releasing powerful pyrokinetic abilities. And at his command, he can cause the happer to combust into flames and resummon it whenever he pleases.

Cole currently has no relevant family as of this moment.

Fiori- A strong ally and one of Cole's earliest longtime friends. Both spent great time in the great forge together learning the ways of the Flame Wardens from their masters Lady Vest and Lady Seraph. By the time they left the great forge together, they traveled together for a bit until they decided to both become heroes.
Mandarine- An early ally he met during his visit to Celius city. While Mandarine finds him handsome he finds her social company very endearing.
Pei- A fellow blacksmith he came across not too long after meeting Mandarine, a woman who has methods and techniques different from what he was taught. Cole is very interested in adding her methods to his repertoire while being open to teaching her the ways of the flame warden. It doesn't help that he finds Pei very attractive which makes it difficult to communicate with her.

Lady Vest- [TBA]
Lady Seraph- [TBA]
Divina- [TBA]

Barb- [TBA]
Salo- [TBA]

Ester- [TBA]
Blaze- [TBA]
Raybo- [TBA]

Hailey- A strange enigmatic individual that Cole has encountered on numerous occasions; each has ended in blow-to-blow conflicts. He believes there's an innocent soul beneath that cold heart, and fights to save her from the cold embrace that has her caught.



-=Other Details=-
- Cole can also be known as "Estorran Arthis"

- Cole's AU gimmick is "What if Arthis was born into a world where his twin sister never existed?"

- Cole is technically more "intelligent" than Arthis, more spacially aware and on top of things. However, they are the same ignorant innocence as the two characters are both newbies in a big and new world.