


10 months, 10 hours ago
Trade Listing
For Sale (Real Currency)


bought for $100 USD  - pending to raindeer

As a young pup, Moxie didn't quite know what he wanted to get out of life, but found himself fascinated (and somewhat obsessed) with the concept of magic. There was never any real reason as to why he was so interested in this way of life, but something about it captivated him. 

On one of his many travels around the woodlands of the world on growing up, a chance encounter with a practising witch brought his journey to a halt. Determined to try and find out more about how to brew potions, he requested permission from the witch to remain with her as an apprentice. In return for learning more about witchcraft and wizardry, he offered her his service with finding materials and ingredients that she needed. Whilst this witch had the ability of foresight, something about Moxie prevented her from being able to see further into the future (one reason she agreed to the arrangement at all).

 Had she been able to do this however, she would have realised that agreeing to this would result in some disastrous brews. One thing Moxie failed to mention was that he believed recipes were just guidelines, and would (from time to time) bring back all sorts of weird and wonderful things to add to the cauldron. There were also incidents where he genuinely forgot what he was looking for, or picked up the wrong thing (but remained certain they were what Lorelei had requested).


  • Moxie just really likes to help others, even if sometimes he can be clumsy about it. He's never purposefully trying to get something wrong and maintains that it's never voluntarily done.
  • He longs to be a fully trained wizard and is eager to prove himself on this!
  • Every time he learns something new his light markings almost appear to glow - this is something that will be very subtle for the time being.
  • He is rarely without his satchel or hat and feels they are a part of his identity.