


9 months, 27 days ago


  • NAME Eaglestar
  • AGE Adult
  • GENDER Male
  • ORIENTATION Heterosexual
  • RESIDENCE NeedleClan
  • RANK Leader
  • MENTOR Vipertooth
  • STATUS Alive (9/9 lives)
  • VOICE CLAIM Thor (God of War: Ragnarok)

I will not allow my family to fall into such disgrace again!

Despite being the newly appointed leader of NeedleClan, Eaglestar is not a well-liked warrior. For many moons, he was decommissioned by the previous leader due to his abusive treatment, half-blinding, and disownment of his oldest son, Silverroar as a kit. His cold nature and short-temper makes him abrasive to those he deems weak and unworthy, which would be majority of the clan. There are very few who he truly respects, and some of his own children do not fall in that category.

His rise to power is something he relishes, as he sees this as an opportunity to wipe the plague of weakness within the clan away. His rule is iron-clad, even if his leadership was not earned through the traditional means. His murder of the previous leader created a power vacuum in which StarClan themselves appointed him leader over the deputy. The decision was widely unpopular, but there are enough around him that support his authority. The power he wields is new, but has already gone to his head. His leadership, however long, is already marred with the blood of his enemies and his own clanmates.
















pessimist optimist

Naive Perceptive

Reserved Social

sassy polite

patient foolhardy






At first glance and in front of the public eye, Eaglestar can be a noble and brave tom. His mask of loyalty and courage is rock-solid to those who do not know the real him and it isn't hard for him to fool newcomers. However, that's exactly what it is: a mask. Underneath it all, he is a cold-hearted tom with an enflamed sense of control. If there is something that he cannot control or that has "failed" in his eyes, then he discards it without a second glance, whether that be his clanmates, allies, or even his own children.

His short-temper makes him a force to be reckon with since the quickest emotion he feels in anger. His answer to conflict or opposition is violence and he is not scared to use it. He's a megalomaniac, obsessed with power and ambition, and arrogant. His dreams are to purge his clan of the weaklings and bring NeedleClan to its previous glory before the previous leader's reign. He'll exploit any and all who he sees as allies for the sake of furthering his own agenda and the few allies he does have are the ones he trusts. With his new position, his ego and pride has grown to a dangerous level that may soon be his downfall.

Positive Traits
  • Bold
  • Confident
  • Brave
Neutral Traits
  • Prideful
  • Passionate
  • Selfish
Negative Traits
  • Materialistic
  • Megalomaniac
  • Explosive
  • MOTHER -
  • FATHER -
  • MATE Nighteyes
  • OFFSPRING Silverroar, Echopaw, Ospreypaw, Pumapaw, Cobrapaw, Adderkit (dead), Falconkit (dead), Pantherkit (dead)

Eaglestar's life started off great. He had a loving mother and a stern, ambitious father that raised him to be noble and bold, albeit arrogant. His path was laid out ahead of him and he was always gunning for the top. And then, he met his mate, Nighteyes. They were best friends growing up and they fell in love fast. When they figured out they were expecting kits, they were over the moon. Unfortunately, fate was not in their favor.

The pregnancy was hard and brutal. In the end, 3 out of 4 of the kits were stillborns, with that final one being small, weak, and barely alive. The tragedy changed both parents, but the one emotions Eaglestep turned to in his greif was rage. Blame fell on the weak kit, Silverkit, and his treatment of his only son was brutal and abusive. Just before his son became a trainee, he brutally attacked him and partially blinded his left eye. Even though his first, disowned son was a failure, a few moons later, him and his mate had their next litter. Though there are some that are less favorable, it had a better turnout than before.

And now, as a new leader, the future on the horizon for him are stretched farther. His life, his dreams—they were all coming true. There are many steps in his plan to revamp NeedleClan and they will not stop for no one. It would take a miracle or death itself to stop his reign.


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed sem erat, iaculis vel velit at, mattis euismod lacus. Morbi suscipit ipsum accumsan leo dapibus, eu mattis neque facilisis. Etiam consequat eget eros a mollis. Donec bibendum nibh id augue pharetra consequat. Donec lobortis risus nunc.

  • Eagle ━  For his bravery and strength, as well as the wing pattern on his back
  • Step ━  For his willingness and tenacity to always keep moving on
  • KIT ━  Eaglekit
  • APPRENTICE ━  Eaglepaw
Warrior ━  Eaglestep
  • His mate
  • Power
  • Strength
  • Weakness
  • His disgraced children
  • Being unable to work

  • Courageous
  • Brute strength in battle
  • Steadfast in his opinions
  • Power-hungry
  • Abusive
  • Short-tempered
  • When his first litter of 4 was born, 3 were stillborn. In his grief-driven rage, he placed the blame of the tragedy on the sole survivor, Silverkit, soon Silverroar. The tragedy changed him for the worse.
  • He genuinely loves his mate Nighteyes and does what he can do to what's best for her.
  • He has a hatred for rogues and outsiders of any kind and even cats from other clans, which meant that he treated his mentor, who was half-clan herself, very poorly..
  • BREED -
  • BODY TYPE Broad
  • BUILD Muscular
  • HEIGHT Above average
  • SEX/DSAB Male
  • SCARS Across his cheek
  • SCENT Cave dust
  • PELT COLOUR White, silver, and navy blue
  • FUR SHAPE Thick and fluffy
  • WEIGHT Average
  • WORTH -

Eaglestar is a massive tom, towering over most. His broad form is intimidating and muscular. Thick, silver, white, and deep navy blue fur covers his form. Dark navy stripes run down his legs and the cape along his back of the same color spreads into the shape of wings on his sides, hence his name. A thin scar runs across his left cheek, earned from a hit with a pinecone during the last fight he had with his oldest son. His eyes are an icy cold blue which are seemingly always narrowed into a glare.

 relationship -

In cursus nisi ac eros convallis, at fringilla purus laoreet. Morbi pretium gravida lacus, vel tempor libero interdum et. Integer pellentesque pretium dolor vel eleifend. Vestibulum ornare id eros id rutrum.

 relationship -

In cursus nisi ac eros convallis, at fringilla purus laoreet. Morbi pretium gravida lacus, vel tempor libero interdum et. Integer pellentesque pretium dolor vel eleifend. Vestibulum ornare id eros id rutrum.