Herrlicha "Lika"



5 years, 10 months ago



Design by Falu and callipygous
"How are you doing today?"
RankKakdamsha - Knight
ColorationsBlue and Pink
Pink scales w/ white markings
"amazing. Simply amazing." 

Herrlicha, or rather Lika, is a firecracker of a young woman with a big heart and bigger passions. Constantly overlooked in favor of her sister as a child, she uses this as a motivation to become better and stronger than she was yesterday, leading her to becoming a hero in the eyes of many and a selfish brat the in the eyes of others.

Excitable, friendly, and sociable, lika is more akin the city streets than most from her hometown, fitting in easily and yet never at all with a bright and bubbly personality that some find frankly off-putting. Still, she is no harm to anyone, and a fun person to be around. 

"look at all this pretty stuff"
"What do you want to know?"

If she wasn't the second born, she would have been amazing- no, if her sister hadn't been born at all, she would have been amazing.

Second born, Princess Herrlicha often lived in the shadow of her older sister Aulteste. The older, more beautiful, more powerful, and regal; Lika felt as if nothing she'd do would every fully measure up to the amount of amazingness that was her siblings. Her parents, after birthing such an amazing example, were disappointed to learn Herrlicha wasn't just as inclined, and although advanced to a normal person, she was constantly in comparison with assumed perfection.

For a long time, Lika hated her sister for it. The resentment of not being good enough lead to her outright lashing out at the quieter sibling until they were separated when she was just a child. It was then she learned that there were benefits to being the second. Being second meant no one was watching as closely, it meant you had the freedom to do what the first couldn't.

All eyes on Aulteste, Herrlicha began to live her own life and making an adventure of her own. Visiting the neighboring regions and cities, she found there was a lot to see and even more to do, taking on quests and tasks to slay monsters and fall creatures far bigger than she thought was possible back home. Even more so, she got to go home and frankly rub it in Aulteste's face, each time the elder sister accepting it with grace and never becoming outwardly jealous or mad. Each dismissal, Lika became more and more determined to make her sister wish she was her by having as much fun as possible and seeing the world she was caged from.

Returning home, she learned of her sister's betrothal, questioning the older sibling on her feelings about marrying a man she'd never met, and his refusal to do so. It was then she learned that Aulteste, in all her many years, had never left home more than a handful of times. Too powerful, too weak, too precious, too dangerous, she was denied the entire world beyond the halls of their large home.

It was then Lika felt there was something she needed to do. So many princesses and villagers she'd saved, so many foul demons she'd given a resting place; but she'd never once thought about freeing her own sister from the life she was forced to live.

Using the arguments to her advantage, she whisked Aulteste away, leaving a ransom note to lead the parties into a wild chase rather than look at what was actually happening around them. Buying time, the two now travel the world, and see as many things as possible before the inevitable day comes that they were caught.

Currently in a coastal city of Eirbourne, the two prepare their leave of this land and into the sun.
She has a dream of finding a unicorn.

                                          Profile Base Code by Shinshou
                                                                 Edited by Teknogeddon