


5 years, 11 months ago



Maelstrom was an evil dragon in his mortal live. Spreading chaos and terror across the land. He was a legend a beast a dragon lord. But even dragons do eventually die and Maelstrom was bested by the a great army. Burned bound and banished. Maelstrom had been ready for this and had taken steps to self-resurrect himself. Yet the plans never happen the spells broken. He woke up as a sentient gas of smoke angry he tried to roars slamming against the invisible walls of his prison. Only to hear the soft click of claws on the outside of the crystal ball he was trapped in and a cold voice.  “you have caused me a lot of extra work dear dragon. Now it’s time you work for me to clean up this mess.”

Maelstrom growled powerless to  fight back. As he was forced into service  of vex. Changed and empowered to fit his new job. Made into a soul collector. Made to go out and collect the souls of those he killed and other killed. Fighting every step of the way of the total control death had over him. Yet it only lasted a few years and then he was handed off to a new owner.

wraith taking him form vex and used as a battle dragon for his armies. Once a commander anda king maelstrom was diminished into little more then a foot solider. Forced to fight and die over and over I the name of wraith. Maelstrom growled and hated wraith but he was forced to admire wraith tactician and control. Thorough he died he was never killed un justly.  Yet he was still being used and directed.

after many more centuries of service and death. Wraith gave maelstrom off t the doctor. Where he was used as an undying experiment t test the doctor dark concoctions. Pain suffering and many un pleasant death. At the hand of the doctors needles. Males storm was belittled even more. At least vex and wraith seemed to care for the tool that made him into. The doctor only saw him as a subject to eb tested on over and over again.  Mutating more and more as he changes. After one particularly pain full experiment Maelstrom woke up in a new place a stone garden.

And this was when he came into the control of famine the final horsemen. Yet unlike the others she never used Maelstrom. Never commanded him. Never controlled him. She was passive and quiet leaving Maelstrom stuck in her garden free t move but trapped. It was an odd kind of imprisonment. Free but not. Yet it gave Maelstrom much time to think and discover the thing that had changed his body. The many centuries of treatment by the other horsemen he was no longer the dragon he was when he died. He was something more and something stronger. Yet he still needed to figure out what to do with his new power. All though out his treatment he learned something her leaner humility he learned respect. He learned the importance of respect t this under you. He would find a way to show the dame horsemen the same thing.

Maelstrom has become much more in death then he was in live. From all the horsemen mutations and many many enchantments laid on him he has been given great power.

His natural storm magic has been elevated to a higher level and even changed. Still able ot create storms and wings. Maelstrom can change him self becoming the storm or the lightning. A living storm. He no longer has a real mortal body. More as he is a living cloud that can become solid.

as smoke he can move freely and possess others. Taking over there bodies completely change them into his own to have a more solid form to control. Yet even if it is killed his spirit lives on as a wraith.

Maelstrom doesn’t often full control other. But he des reside in people for long periods of time influencing them and pushing them for his own needs most don’t even releases they are his puppet. Yet Maelstrom has grown wiser to not push other to far. He refuses to do to other what the horsemint did to him.

when he does fully consume take over some one that person abilities becomes his own as they are destroyed body mind and soul. Added to males tom collective abilities. A powerful ability Maelstrom only uses on those he deems derive of such a fate. The dark lord the one I power he think doesn’t deserve there power.

Maelstrom is still a semi outlaw of the horsemen and there court contently on the ruin form them yet he is famine property even not that the lesser horsemen cares. He may have been an evil tyrant but in death he has become a lawful dark punisher.

He is till a huge asshole even to those he deems as allies.