


4 years, 9 months ago



The dark half of the elder gods. The void bringer, Shadow whisperer, Darkness absolute. He was the one that kept the darkness between realities from unravelling and the monster of the shadows from eating the light. Even as the god of darkness and the void he is not or was not an evil or cruel god. He simply did his job to keep the darkness and the light balanced with his fellow god Clarity. Yet the many many millennia of keeping the balance is enough to drive even a god mad, mad Discordance went. Slipping slowly into madness starting to falter in his responsibilities. Lucky for everyone before he was two far into the mental void he and Clarity combined their powers to great the new gods. Vex and her siblings to help control the balance. It was the last thing discordance did before he became fully mad.  Falling into mental Chaos and disorder. Falling from the sane god he was to a crazy trickster and meddler. The scary part was even in his madness Discordance did not lose his malice intelligence. Lucky for everyone the mad god has more interest in entertaining himself then causing mass chaos. 

Even as Discordance falls deeper and deeper into madness and illogical thought there is still a small ray of hope in the fact he does not seem to ever   stray to far into chaos or push use his power to much to fully unravel reality.  There is still some sort of deep-sentimental block inside him that stops him from destroying all of the void. Yet he is not much of a practical help  in any regard on the practical plain. Causing chaos and bothering mortal for his own amusement and entertainment. He is more thento be persuaded into doing something for kicks. The mad god great power is driven to use for little more then immortal pranks.  There are those mortals that have earned his interests. Among the new gods famine seems to be the only one he ever listens to and respects hating Doctor with a passion for what he did to her. He often targets doctors experiments to make them fail.