
Vearn Levian

Overview Synopsis Gallery

"Don’t call me out like that! It’s not my fault I got singled out so early…"
Vearn Levian to Dekel Levian

Vearn Levian
Hero Costume |Civilian
Biographical Information
Japanese Name
Rōmaji Name Reviyan Vu~ān
Alias ??? (?? ??)
Personal Description
Birthday June 30
Age 17 (Current)
Gender Male
Height 172.21cm (5'7.8")
Hair Color Dark Magenta
Eye Color Purple
Blood Type O+
Quirk Fairy Dust
Status Alive
Birthplace Wakayama prefecture
Family Dekel Levian (older brother)
Occupation Student
Affiliation Ketsubutsu Academy High School
Team(s) TBA
Fighting Style Melee + support combat
First Appearance
Manga Debut Chapter 103
Anime Debut Episode 53
TIH Debut Chapter 16
Japanese Voice Nobunaga Shimazaki
English Voice Brandon James Winckler
Image Gallery

Vearn Levian (レヴィアン・ヴァーン Reviyan Vu~ān ), also known as the //heronamehere// (///), is a student in Class 2-2 at Ketsubutsu Academy High School, training to become a Pro Hero.


Vearn is a young man with a slender build. He has dark magenta hair, with combed back bangs, that fades to lighter magenta at the roots. He has purple eyes and tan skin. He has a soft jaw and has a pair of purple-ish pink butterfly-shaped wings on his back that are coated in a glittery powder (fairy dust).

His hero costume consists of a Quirk-adept body-suit and several pockets to store extra Fairy Dust.


Vearn is not a particularly social guy and is very selective who he interacts with. He is more inclined towards those exuding confidence, but would rather read a book than socialize. He appreciates his close-knit friend group and always manages to have a good time and do daring things when he wants to. He is not a fan of confrontations, but will glady step in when involved (especially in terms of family). Despite this, he prefers mediating disputes and making jokes or changing the subject in order to dismiss unwanted feelings. He likes thought out plans, but is very keen in noticing immediate changes and adapting accordingly albeit messy at times. He is not perfect in controlling his emotions, which are heightened when around friends and family; he is prone to anxiety attacks.

As a hero student, Vearn is well dedicated to his grades and is known as one of the smartest in his grade in test scores and practical courses. His peers applaud him constantly, and he is often perceived as a teacher's pet, but the teachers disagree. In reality, he puts little to no effort into engaging with hero coursework, and priortizes his general and practical skills above all other courses. He still strives to be a hero that helps others, but not to the extent his older brother has risen to. He struggles in admitting his true intentions to his brother, as he knows how much he has done for him over the years.

Quirk and Abilities

Overall Abilities: At first glance, Vearn doesn't seem like one of the strongest combatants, but over time at Ketsubutsu Academy and with extra training from his brother, he has drastically improved his combat prowess to become a more competent combatant. His main battle tactic is getting close to his opponent and using his Quirk, Fairy Dust, to directly affect them. Vearn also utilizes nearby objects as projectile attacks or as improvised melee weapons. He can naturally fly and shrink down to a small size, increase his agility, and create decoys by controlling objects around. He depends a lot on his Fairy Dust in battle, sometimes jeopardizing himself when he could easily shrink down and fly away.

Fighting Style: Vearn's way of fighting prioritizes his stance and landing one hit on his opponent. He was trained in capoeira by his brother and Judo by his homeroom teacher, and has mastered several forms of throws using force, including his opponents' force against themselves. His skill is enough to easily make distance between an opponent in a short and swift manner while simultaneously inflicting his Quirk on them.

Tactical Intellect: While being well versed in academics, he is exceptionally skilled in street smarts and thinking quickly on his feet. He can deduce an enemy's weaknesses and combat style soon after a battle begins. He likelydeveloped this to help cover for his initial lack of direct combat abilities. When he isn't facing opponents in close-quarters combat, Vearn takes advantage of free objects and ravaged areas by using his Quirk to gather weapons without the opponent noticing, exploiting blind spots and performing "dirty" tricks. Without performing direct harm to an opponent, Vearn can easily take them down through discreet means as well.


Fairy Dust (妖精埃 Yōsei Hokori): This Quirk gives the user the physiology of a mythological creature known as a fairy and innate control over the dust created by its wings. While versatile, the constitution is bound by the user's belief and understanding of a "fairy". For Vearn, the Quirk gives him abilities such as:

  • Enhanced agility and speed
  • Ability to fly with iridescent wings
  • Ability to shrink down to 10 cm (~4 in) tall
  • Innate Fairy dust control and manipulation which grants a person/object fairy-like abilities for a short time span
  • Ability to change the properties of the fairy dust accordingly (ex. prioritize flight over shrinking)

The history of the Quirk dates back decades ago and directly ties in with the concept of fairy tales and if they are real or not. As generations went on, the "belief" of fairies was passed down through fairy tales - interpretations influenced impressionable children before they fully developed their Quirk. The more they believe in their Quirk and themselves, the more powerful the Quirk is.

While versatile and magical-like, this Quirk has several drawbacks. Pure iron is his greatest enemy, as it will burn his skin if touched. His wings are also fragile and can tear or break easily - they can grow back over time but it takes a toll both physically and mentally. Despite his speed and agility in small form, he is not that strong. The fairy dust he controls produces from his wings - if he runs out of dust he loses the ability to fly.

As part of his every-day training, Vearn constantly manipulates his Fairy Dust and utilizes it as an extension of himself. He rarely comes across pure iron, but has built up a small tolerance over the years. He wears iron-silver rings to aid in it.

Super Moves

Sprite Size (妖精 サイズYōsei Saizu) Dekel shrinks down to 7.5 cm (~3 in) tall in a flourish, often in a dramatic pose, unless the situation has to be for stealth.

Pixie Punch (妖精 殴る Yōsei Naguru): In small form, Dekel speeds towards an opponent with a poised fist and instantenously sizes back to normal size, providing increased force behind the punch.

Kibbutz Kick (キブツ キックKibutsu Kikku) Dekel kicks off the slip-on soles from his costume at an enemy to distract them. He often uses this move to distract as he shrinks down to fairy size.

Fairy Flutter (妖精 ひらひらYōsei Hirahira) Dekel flutters his wings in an irregular way to shake some fairy dust off on an opponent, causing them to float for a few seconds and off balance.




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Battles & Events



  • He loves upbeat folk-pop music and overshares it with his brother who has a complete opposite music taste.
  • He is a natural botanist and grows a small garden of flowers and herbs at home.
  • Pick-up lines and snarky comments are second nature to him.
  • He has body dysmorphia and is constantly worried about making sure he looks good. Yes, he keeps a comb in his pocket.
  • He gets overly protective and lovey-dovey over his younger brother, Vearn, when they're together.
  • He can pole dance insanely good. He practices it mostly to increase his core strength.
  • He is the king of innuendos and dirty jokes.
  • He goes barefoot in his tiny form, and prefers to walk around his home barefoot as well.


  • (To a Civilian Girl) "Your beauty got me forgetting my pickup line."

Profile by Erandia