Leila's Literatures

1 year, 7 days ago
1 year, 7 days ago
1 337

A girl who has taken a liking to dark places, Leila likes to stay in her room all day with the curtains shut and her light off, feeling more comfortable this way. She prefers being alone and doesn't take too kindly to people who attempt to befriend her; one so called friend too many has proved to Leila that everyone is wanting her to do everything for her, and as a result she doesn't trust anyone. Leila is reserved and intentionally doesn't speak much and gives out barely any personal information in fear of it being used against her. She is the opposite of roamers such as Eleanor in pretty much every way.

When she wakes up in an unfamiliar location, however, Leila finds a small animal that she is hesitant to call a friend despite its friendly demeanor. Will this be enough to help her trust again?