Vera Valdés



8 months, 19 days ago


FU Card

Name Vera Valdés

Species Yveltal

Age 22 yrs

Gender Female/She/Her

Height 5’9”

Home College Dorms

Voice claim Rebecca Parham (Let Me Explain Studios)

Designer Alexsal979

Worth Not For Sale



Vera is an outgoing, talkative and friendly person who loves acting.

From an early age she has wanted to be a great actor more than anything and now that she made it to pfu she will stop at nothing to achieve her goal.

She is very outgoing and sociable. She likes to be very eccentric,exaggerated and theatrical. She is very lively too, being very active when doing something, especially with people she gets along with.

She is also a very caring person to her friends and family. She tries to be there to cheer them up to the best of her ability when they are feeling down.

But she can also tend to be a bit too pushy with things she wants to do and oblivious to social queues people might drop on her. She can also be somewhat absent minded, easily forgetting some things and getting distracted by other things.

She is extremely confident in herself and her skills and tends to think she can easily do things. Her confidence can sometimes get the better of her and get her caught in sticky situations, and occasionally drags others down with her.



Vera comes from a middle upper class family from the Kalos region in Dendemille town, both of her parents were always loving of her and provided most things she needed so she never really had to want for much of anything in her life.

Once when she was a child, as a reward for good behavior her parents took her to a local children's play. If anything to entertain her for a bit, she would end up loving it and it awoke her passion for theater, she would also expand her passion to movies and television after her father introduced her to some of his favorites. Her parents even signed her up for a summer acting course a teacher had recommended for her.

Thanks to this she had decided that she wanted to be an actor more than anything, at the start her parents brushed it off as a phase but as time went on it became clear that she was truly serious about it and they were supportive about it, helping very in any way they could, signing her up for more acting courses she wanted to attend and getting her anything she would need.

She loved getting into character, putting all that she had into her performance and performing in front of an audience, seeing people enjoy her performances and cheer for her at the end. She only ever got to participate in a couple of school plays and small local plays with very small public. But even then she still had a lot of fun with it and she continued to dream and hope to be a big actor some day.

In Middle and High School She was never popular but also not exactly an outcast. While she had a very easy time talking to people and getting along with them she never exactly had a group of friends or at least someone she would hang out with consistently.

Or well that was until she met Gil.

When she was 14 She met Gil after accidentally getting roped into one of its antics, she ended up having fun with it and vibing with its personality, and after figuring out it had trouble meeting people she decided to keep approaching it. soon befriending it, she'd never had quite as much fun with anyone else as she had with it and its schemes, becoming more and more willing to go along with anything it'd come up with, and some of its personality also rubbed off on her, becoming more easy going than she was already, he even got her to love horror almost as much as it does.

the closer she and Gil got, the more you wouldn't see Vera without him, she even got him to join the same theater curse as her in highschool, she was so happy to be able to share her favorite thing with him, though he never was that interested in it which wasn't unusual for it but she didn't mind she was still happy that she could spend more time with it and she was glad to have its support in her dreams. She never expected that this theater course would alter the course of her life.

It wasn’t unusual for the two to hang around long after plays had concluded and practice was over, exploring the backstage and storage sifting through all sorts of props and costumes. one day while playing around with some left over costumes from a recently concluded play she put on an orange wig with a blue and black archer outfit along with a quiver and a prop bow, jokingly using it to shoot some glow sticks that were laying around at Gil for some laughs, she began to feel something strange about this outfit, almost as if it was linked to something more important but she just brushed off the feeling and took it off before continuing to mess around with more costumes.

Soon after highschool had ended She heard about fantasy university, a very prestigious university in the Galar region and she was told great things about their theater career so she wanted in as soon as possible. She applied as soon as she could and gave it her all to be able to get in (with a little help from Gil). and, she was ecstatic when she found out she made it in.

Of course she had to convince Gil to apply too, while it did take some time (and a lot of convincing to get her parents to partially pay for him to go) she was overjoyed when she learnt he had decided to go and they would be sharing a dorm. Immediately starting to pack her bags to move as soon as possible.

She was sure these would be some of the best years of her life.

A couple of weeks after starting her first semester she was coming back to her dorm after the school day was over when she noticed a strange new app had appeared on her phone, it had a manaphy egg with some arrows as its icon. She found this strange since she didn't remember installing anything like it, she tried uninstalling it a couple of times but it just kept coming right back almost instantly which she found even more strange.

She decided she would ask Gil about it before opening it, maybe he’d know something about it. Or at least how to get it out of her phone.

She had no idea what was to come.


Character Stats



  • Theatre
  • Musicals
  • Horror



College Life

  • TBD

Typical Belongings

  • Phone, wireless earphones and charger.
  • Snack bag.

Outward Behavior

  • She is very outgoing and can easily start a conversation with anyone. She likes to be very eccentric and theatrical. Occasionally Over exaggerating her voice,speech and movements as if she was on stage when talking to someone.


  • Watching Movies
  • Gaming
  • Archery (After Linking with Yvette)


“Vera and Yvette tend to disagree on a lot of things and vera likes to annoy her from time to time, but she does care for her.”

image link

Gil Murdoc

Best Friend

“Vera considers it one of the closest people to her and loves to spend time with it just doing whetever.”

image link



“He was the sort of person who stood on mountaintops during thunderstorms in wet copper armour shouting 'All the Gods are bastards.”
