


9 months, 7 days ago


Comfy-Cozy Queen


AGE 20+
SPECIES Octoling
Home Flounder Heights

"Being you is something that someone is grateful for."


Aurora is another ex-soldier of Octavio's army, in fact, she was a captain! She doesn't like thinking about her times in the military, however, and chooses to live a peaceful life in Inkopolis as a food vlogger.


  • Sweet
  • Hopeless Romantic
  • A little shy
  • Open-minded

Aurora is reserved, but she opens up when doing food vlogs! She loves to try out new things and travel, though it tends to be quite a lonely experience. She hopes one day she gets to have a partner to travel with her.


  • Food
  • Books
  • Exploring new places
  • Big, baggy shirts


  • Editing her vlogs
  • Long conversations
  • A single thought about being in Octavio's army

Life in the Underground

Aurora used to be a student at a high school in the Underground, and was taught under the same roof as Chung-Hee and Chung-Ae. They were never really close at first as their only interactions occurred if they were in groups together or had to talk about school work. Over their small bonds however, Aurora became fond of Chung-Ae and started having a crush on him.

Eventually, Chung-Ae knew that Aurora liked him, but wasn't sure what to do with her feelings. In what he thought was the right thing to do, he accepted Aurora's feelings and started dating. They were shy and rather awkward with each other with Aurora’s reserved nature and Chung-Ae’s quiet demeanour. Nonetheless, Chung-Ae did his best to be a good boyfriend, but the relationship ended short--not just because Chung-Ae had no romantic feelings for her.

Octavio's Army

While still dating, Aurora was conscripted into Octavio's army without the twins knowing, and eventually becoming brainwashed. When the two eventually met again, Chung-Ae was met with an entirely different person as Aurora was more bold and flirtatious than she was before, as well as mentioning her love of Octavio instead of him. This caused Chung-Ae to actually break up with her, which sent her into an angry fit, and told him that him and his brother would soon have to work for DJ Octavio. She actually was the one that took them to him and had them brainwashed.
In the army, Aurora climbed through the ranks at a surprisingly quick pace: a normal octoling soldier, to a seaweed elite octoling, to a squadron leader and then a Captain in the span of four years. Her tasks were definitely not easy for her to get high praise. She found herself struggling to combat opponents at the start but her obsession with Octavio was what pushed her to not give up. She was also partaking in the development of the equipment used to brainwash octolings, as it would emit eerie lights that were hypnotizing, and Octavio’s music that included lyrics to convince the person to follow Octavio’s rules.

Climbing the Ranks

With her contribution to the creation of the equipment and her passionate combat skills, she was promoted to a higher rank to teach new octolings how to fight. She was especially skilled with the Octobrush but she wasn’t bad with the Octoshot either. She managed to develop more tolerance to enemy ink as well as devising sneak attacks as she was more of a melee fighter.

Aurora eventually became a squadron leader, now creating plans for a large group of octolings. She was in charge of pulling octolings from the Underground and make them turn to Octavio’s side, usually through force. Her and another octoling (Benjie or Ben for short) worked with her as her assistant, helping her grab more octolings to join the army or devise plans on taking over certain areas of the overworld where inklings and other sea creatures wandered. She also partook in another project: the ability for Octarians to have a kraken form. She chose one specific octoling: Chung-Ae. The project only resulted in a disaster, having his size as a “kraken” to be massive and uncontrollable, reacting to instincts like a wild animal for five minutes before he returned to an exhausted normal state. She immediately shut the project down, but she did have new findings, as the unstable octoling kraken was able to survive underwater and stay in the form much longer than usual.
Her promotion to Captain was bittersweet, because of losing octolings that escaped from the Underground due to Calamari Inkantation releasing them from their brainwashed state. Especially one that she held dear to her-the one she used as a guinea pig. After Octavio was captured and octolings were free from the Underground, Aurora took the initiative to be captain, and take charge of soldiers with other captains, continuing to do Octavio’s work in the Underground.

Life in Inkopolis

After being free from being brainwashed, she decided to do some exploring, got a part-time job at an ice cream shoppe before becoming a food vlogger, and hung out with Benjie in the square. She likes to hang out in the arcade and eat new foods.











Ever since they were a powerful duo in the military, they've become rather close friends. If Aurora ever needed someone to talk to about her past, she turns to Ben for a listening ear. She also loves getting drinks from him at the cafe!


  • Her food vlog channel has around 150,000 subscribers.
  • She used to work at a retro ice cream shoppe when she was 18.
  • When Aurora was brainwashed, she became so devoted to carrying out Octavio's goal that she kept a small device with the same hypnotic lights in case she returned to normal. The way that it would work is if she found it, her normal self wouldn't remember the device and activate it out of curiosity.


Anarchy Battles


Salmon Run





Special Weapon

Killer Wail 5.1


Off the Hook


Into the Light


Albacore Hotel


Man o' Wardrobe



Halzion by YOASOBI

Daydreamin' by Ariana Grande
