Content Warning

User Content Warning

This user profile has been marked with a content warning:


HEY HEY !!! Please read the following AND my TOS before entering! Thank you and good night!


  • Draw fanart of my ocs!!
  • Take LIGHT inspiration from my designs, but DON'T just copy it. If you make an oc inspired by mine please ping me, I'd love to see them!!
  • Link your ocs to mine (I wont accept all requests)
  • Interact if we share interests


  • Draw any NSFW of my ocs. This includes any fetish, no matter how "innocent" it looks at first glance.
  • Act weird/aggresive towards my ocs.
  • Offer on any character outside of the "up for sale" folder
  • Trace or steal any of my art or designs. LIGHT inspiration is okay, but no carbon copies.
  • Compare my ocs or stories to other existing characters/media in any way. This may get you a block.

Content warning

  • Common triggers such as gore, horror, and other sensitive content
  • Tone indicators and emoticons are used by me frequently
  • No awful actions by my ocs are condoned in any way. They're used for storytelling purposes, NOT romanticism.


  • Basic DNI: LGBTphobe, ableist. racist, ect and anyone supportive/neutral to these
  • kabi/hogsweep
  • CorpseQueen

Gore%20warning.png Horror%20warning.png sensitive%20content%20warning.png

Thanks for reading!

Character Content Warning

This character profile has been marked with a content warning:


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