Forrest Campbell



1 year, 19 days ago




Age ~28


Gender Demiboy

Pronouns He/Him

Height 6'2"

Build Endomorph

Orientation Polysexual

Occupation Medic & Florist

Allegiance Trillium

Alignment Neutral Good


Keyword Dependable

Trait 1

Forrest's tail wags when he's excited or happy, just like any other kanine. This isn't hard to do.

Trait 2

Forrest's ears also help display his emotions easier. (I.e, ears pinning to his head when he's upset or perking up when he's happy or alert.)

Trait 3

Hums a lot out of habit, he forgets that sometimes it might be a bit annoying to other people around him.

Trait 4

Can't stay still for long periods of time unless he's occupied with something. If he has something to do he's fine, but if he doesn't, he's always moving around.

Social Skills


  • Cofee

  • 80's Music

  • Driving

  • Flowers!!


  • Country Music

  • Bright Lights

  • Fighting

  • Crowds

Trivia & Notes

  • Forrest used to work at a coffee shop and is really good at making drinks!

  • Forrest originally used to belong to one of my old friends but was gifted to me a few years ago

  • Forrest's lore used to be a LOT different

  • Forrest came up with the name for the anti-hero group he's in


Growing up in the foster system made things difficult for Forrest and his sister, but after dozens of homes and a few times being separated, the two managed to land themselves in a good foster home where they were later adopted. Their adoptive parents were very welcoming to them and their situation, and provided a bit of stability in their already chaotic lives.

Because everything in his life seemed to be questionable for a period of time, Forrest never really got around to making any solid friendships, even into his early teenage years. He only started to become more extroverted when he got into his final few years of high school, where he started to realize that if he didn't make friends now, it would probably be even more difficult in the future.

He took up a job at a local cafe to start saving up a bit of extra money for post secondary, where he met one of his coworkers; Emmett. The two got along great almost immediately, and it didn't take very long after that for the two of them to end up in a relationship. They were a great couple, and they were almost inseperable for a long period of time. While he was in the relationship with Emmett, he was also introduced to her best friend, Minx, and the two became fast friends not long after that, too.

He and Emmett remained in the relationship until around the time he started going to medical school, where keeping up with the workload and balancing a healthy relationship became difficult, and he didn't want to take anything away from Emmett. They remained on good terms and still consider each other incredibly close friends, but they're no longer togeter.

After finishing medical school he found himself joining Emmett's league of anti-heroes, serving as the team's medic and spending a lot more time with his friends again. He took up a job as a florist on the side, too, just to keep himself busy when nothing is going on in the league. He enjoys it. Though, he's taken note of a certain someone who works at the casino just around the block, and has started to spend some of his lunch breaks wandering the area. :)



Forrest's younger sister. Though they don't talk as much anymore because of some arguments in the past, they're still siblings, and he still plans to be there for her when she needs him.


Best Friend (and Ex)

Though the two of them aren't dating anymore, Forrest still considers her to be incredibly close. He would take a bullet for her, and he has in the past.


Best Friend

He's not as close to her as Emmett is, but the two hang out on occasion and they tell each other almost everything. They have a lot more in common than they originally thought, and they bond over a lot of unexpected things.

"'Cause it took me six sad months to realize"

Voice Headcanon



cold weather - glass beach

"I didn't miss the cold weather, I just missed you"