Minx Saige



6 months, 11 days ago



Friendly Reserved
Polite Blunt
Clever Foolish
Sensitive Tough
Brave Timid
Sincere Deceptive
Diligent Lazy
Humorous Serious

With a crazy family and tons to deal with, Minx turned to frequenting a local coffee shop as an escape for some time to herself. That's where she met Emmett and Forrest. The three became fast friends and it didn't take long for her to join the resistance Emmett was beginning to lead (after helping her with all of her chaos, obviously). Though the resistance is arguably more chaotic than her home life, she enjoys it, especially because it's something she believes in and stands for. She won't stop until her goals are met, or until she's killed.


Minx was born into an already broken family, with both of her dads already fighting constantly and getting into physical altercations on the regular. Even after the two of them broke up and her dad got a new partner, things were still horrible. The Ex began to stalk the family, resulting in constant stress and multiple moves, as an attempt to get away. Things got even worse when Minx's little brother was born, and it eventually resulted in the family moving to a completely new location, where Minx and her brother were able to properly grow up. At least until the arguments started between her dad and his partner in her late teen years. The only reason she didn't move out on her own was to help continue to raise her brother. She started taking him to a nearby coffee shop on her free time from school and work, and the rest is history.


As soon as Minx met and became friends with Emmett, Ethan and Forrest, she was almost immediately roped into their stories and the chaos of their lives, which she doesn't really complain about. It's a welcome chaos, compared to everything else she's already been through. The more she hung out at the cafe, the more she learned about the dangers of Emmett's situation and the fact that she was also being stalked and hunted by her father, though under much more dangerous circumstances. Minx and the others promised to help protect Emmett, but they didn't account for the fact that Hyacinth, Emmett's father, would attack her loved ones, too. Ethan was killed not long after Minx met him, because of Hyacinth, and it tore her and the others up for months.

They moved on, although with difficulty, and Minx promised to join forces with Emmett to help her take over her father's organization, and to kill him. When the plan had been put into action and Hyacinth had been killed, Minx had been the one to help with cleaning things up and starting a new order within the origanization, which soon became a resistence to the government. They call themselves The Trilliums.

Minx now spends a good majority of her time helping Emmett come up with plans for whatever she needs to do, though she also spends a good chunk of her time with her brother, helping him through his own tough situations. He lives with her now, in a small house just outside of her work base. Much better than living with their parents.


Ram's Horn

A type of super strength that allows the user to use an extra 1000lbs of force when attacking, on top of their current strength as a person. The stronger you are without the power, the stronger you are with it. – Also allows the user to leave deep wounds if attacking directly with horns.


close combat, training, planned out fights, plans in general, stealth


long ranged fights, ambushes (by others), attacks with a weapon

  • Oldies Music
  • Late Night Drives
  • Hiking
  • Sweets
  • Setting Fire
  • Country Music
  • Long Periods of Silence
  • Horror Movies
  • Heavy Thunderstorms
  • Beaches

  • Minx and Emmett have the same ex
  • She's actually a pretty good artist
  • Despite how friendly she is, she's pretty introverted
  • Minx was originally an undertale oc, but was completely repurposed
  • Her VC is Rayla from The Dragon Prince


Out of Touch
Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
Age 27
Pronouns she/her
Gender demigirl
Sexuality bi (female lean)
Role support