The hunter



8 months, 25 days ago


" No matter where you run, i'll hunt you down and gut you like the trash you are "
Name Takoda
Alias The hunter
Gender Male
Residence Cabin in corruption forest
Age 37
Status Undead
Species Deer rapterian
Occupation Hunter

The hunter, or Takoda, is a quiet and mysterious individual. No one knows much about him, despite interacting with the other spirits and even being friends with some of them. He’s usually silent and only speaks when spoken to.

He can be very judgemental and will probably silently insult you in his mind while staring at you, saying nothing. He has a gentle spot but it’s rarely ever shown and is mostly seen and known for his cold, silent personality. Despite this, he enjoys his job and the thrill of the hunt and won’t hesitate to cause pain and suffering if it means he will gain something.

Design Notes
  • Sharp features
  • Fluffy
  • Long sharp tail
  • Wears teeth on his neck fur and a rib cage on his stomach
  • Takoda collects bones from dead animals
  • He calls each kill his trophies
  • The only two spirits he tolerates are Rowan and Aukai
  • Takoda is skilled with many weapons
  • Collecting dead animals and bones
  • Hanging out with Rowan
  • Screams
  • Fights
  • Too much loud noise
  • Anyone taking his kills
  • Thale
  • Thunder storms

An old rapterian deer spirit that roams around the living world and dead alike, hunting for his next prey and victims. Step into his territory and he will hunt you down like a hound dog, never losing your trail and leaving you alone. Forever keeping you in a state of fear and panic. He’s fast and agile from years and experience in the forest, knowing shortcuts and his way around easily. He won’t stop hunting you down till he gets the job down. The hunter also communicates with other critters and animals in the forest, they help him find your trail faster and will warn him of any danger or anyone he’s hunting is near.

Rowan [Best friend]

Rowan is one of the only spirits Takoda will tolerate and will let hug him without punching their face. Takoda and Rowan hang out all the time, and even though he gets easily annoyed by Rowan’s personality, he will kill anyone who tries to do him harm.

Aukai [Friend]

Aukai and Takoda hated each other at first, constantly fighting one another for food and territory and constantly at each other's throats. However, after being forced by Rowan to hang out together for a day, the two grew to like each other and saw they both enjoyed their silent personalities. Takoda enjoys that Aukai doesn’t really speak and can appreciate someone who communicates with him in a different way.

Rogue [Rival]

Their relationship is unknown to most, the only thing we know is Takoda is the only person Rogue fears. The reasoning being unknown.