


1 year, 5 months ago




Name Rogue
Occupation Second in command/Criminal
Age 24
Gender Female
Height 5 feet/8 feet
Build Sleek/Slim/Wavy fur
Race Rapterian/Raptor
Role Supporting character
Positive Determined, Brave, Soft
Negative Protective, Clingy, Aggresive
Theme song Song link


  • Fights
  • Cheyenne
  • Hanging out with sage
  • The quiet


  • Isolation
  • Cages
  • Cheyenne hurt
  • Anything falling out of line




She's a masculine tomboy all the way. She has a rough voice, always willing to fight and very tough.


She's very insecure about her raptor form as growing up she was taught to be ashamed of it. She only uses it when needed.


She has incredible flexibility and eye sight. Making her very balanced and fast in battle.


Rogue was a very troubled child. She actually never had any parents. Rogue was an experiment created from humans. Because rapterians are descendants from the prehistoric beast, raptors. Humans were able to merge rapterian and old Raptor DNA to create Rogue. But something went terribly wrong. Confused and scared, the rapterian kit turned into her Raptor form and mauled the scientists since they were hurting her with small needles and electric shocks. Security found Rogue chewing on their dead corpse but before they could tranquilize her she attacked them as well. It was a massacre in the lab that night, Filled with screams and dead corpses. By the time Rogue was found, She was in her rapterian form, curled up crying. Confused and terrified from the dead scientists surrounding her. Because no one knew when she could just snap and change into a killing raptor, Rogue was locked inside of a high secured containment cell so they could continue experimenting without any death involved. For all her childhood Rogue remembered being locked in a cell. She was of course fed and given the proper care to survive, but after the slaughtering, she would never be allowed to leave her prison. This gave Rogue anxiety, claustrophobia, and more clingy to anyone that even spoke to her. The only living things she has ever met were scientists only caring to experiment on her to learn more about her ability. Rogue did many escape attempts, but it just led to more isolation and punishment. After trying for so long, she eventually gave up and just accepted this will always be her life. Until one day. Another experiment in the same lab Rogue grew up in escaped, killing every scientist and security that dared get in its way. Rogue woke up to the sound of her cage door opening, the sound she never thought she would hear again. A deer- No.. A deer rapterian named Cheyenne approaches Rogue. He offers to help her escape. As much as Rogue always wanted this, she’s terrified and refuses to leave in fear those monsters would kill or torture her. But Cheyyene assures her that he won’t let anything hurt her ever again. She believes him, Being the first animal like her she has ever talked to. Rogue follows Cheyenne out of the lab. It was thanks to Cheyenne she was finally free, and for that Rogue felt like she owed him her life. Ever since then, Rogue has followed Cheyenne, Protecting him and doing anything he has ever asked her. She eventually grew a crush on him, but has never confronted her feelings about it. When Cheyyene created his gang to go against the law, Rogue became his most trusted right hand and second in command. The gang has grown a lot of members that had similar stories like Cheyyene and Rogue, and although she acts like she’s annoyed and hates them. She really sees them as the only family she has. After Rogue found sage during a patrol, she has taken care and raised Sage and sees her as a little sister.



Cheyenne [Crush/Best friend]

She would give up the world to make sure he's okay. She feels like she owes him everything when he saved her life. She's the most loyal to him, and would give up her life for him. She trusts him the most with anything.


Sage [Adoptive sister figure]

At first she was hestitant about Sage, but grew to love and care for her like a little sister. She's her mentor and older sister figure. They are really close and hate being away from each other.

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