The stalking



9 months, 12 hours ago


" When people look up to you, you don't get to be selfish. "
Name Rowan
Alias The stalker
Gender Male
Residence Cave just outside the forest
Age 40
Status Undead
Species Wolf
Occupation Outlaw

Rowan is actually someone you would probably like to hang out with. He’s cool for the most part. He can be a jokester and fun guy to be around, he doesn’t show his depressing or heartbroken side of losing his family and never seeing his two girls growing up. Rowan usually hangs out with Aukai and Takoda as they don’t say much, meaning Rowan can talk to them all day. Not really caring if they are annoyed or not. He can be very sarcastic, and curses a lot being the southern type and all.

However, he is called the stalker for his mischievous and creepy side and enjoys scaring people as he keeps on following them. He likes to be a jerk and play pranks and make others get terrified. He also is one of the strongest fighters and is brutal when fighting, he likes to tease his enemies and tire them out. And he strikes and kills them when they are down.

Design Notes
  • Messy scruffy fur
  • Fluffy
  • Half of face shows his skull
  • Bandage on his neck and left arm
  • Rowan constantly makes dad jokes
  • He knows how to swim from Ametheia and Aukai
  • Rowan hates Thale and blames him for how his grand kids and daughter turned out
  • Rowan comes as a spirit talking top Scarlet sometimes
  • Singing country songs
  • Hanging out with Takoda
  • Stalking spirits (He's weird)
  • Arson
  • Arguing
  • Selfish choices
  • Thale
  • Fire

A western spirit that will follow you and stalk you around the forest and living, watching your every move and studying everything about you, he’s just like Essence, but while she sees the whole forest. He only focuses on the victims he follows. He will know your every move if he watches you and studies you enough, but will never attack you. He leaves that to the forest, once you are dead or have been defeated, is only when he will strike to avoid getting into trouble and getting his hands dirty. He’s not only known as the stalker but also known as the sandstorm spirit. He only turns into his sandstorm form when he is in rage and angry. And creates huge sandstorms that others in sakura have died and suffered from.

Takoda [Best friend]

Rowan met Takoda when Takoda was alone in his cabin. Rowan found it funny how serious and annoyed he was at everything and decided to mess with him. Since they were both powerful spirits, Takoda couldn’t do much to stop Rowan. Takoda eventually grew to care for him and they eventually became best friends, who argue and annoy each other and playfully fight.

Aukai [Friend]

Aukai is like an older version of Amethia. When Rowan was upset he would probably never see his wife again, Aukai comforted him and treated him like a friend then she did with the others. Despite Rowan’s silly personality and Aukai being a quiet type, they care for each other and will defend one another.

Amatheia [Wife]

He loved her more than life itself. Rowan and Amatheia met in an attempt to rob each other, but ended up making amends and becoming close friends, eventually to lovers. They both loved making jokes and were very enthusiastic, such a chaotic duo and a perfect love couple. When Rowan and Amatheia had Scarlet and Sapphire, they did their best to protect their daughters from the national felonies unit, and it cost them their lives. Till this day, he misses Amatheia more than anything and hopes he can see her again.

Scarlet [Daughter]

Although Rowan did not have a favorite and loved both of his daughters equally, he and Scarlet were very close and played together all the time while Amatheia and Sapphire would stay at home. He loved Scarlet so much and wanted her to be better than him, and not follow the life of an outlaw. However, after Rowan and Amatheia were killed by an angry mob. He was only forced to watch Scarlet become the most feared outlaw in the western side. He did his best to stay supportive and watch over Scarlet and her children, and still does till this day.

Sapphire [Daughter]

Although she was much closer with her mother, Rowan was proud for Sapphire to be his daughter and even supported her on her singing and her powers. He could only watch her turn more depressed and enraged after Scarlet left her and her two parents were now dead. He has much worry for her, yet still loves her.