


9 months, 16 days ago


  • NAME FerretRipple
  • NICKNAMES Fenrir
  • AGE 34 moons
  • GENDER Male
  • ORIENTATION HeteroSexual
  • RESIDENCE RiverClan
  • RANK Warrior
  • MENTOR WiltingFeather
  • APPRENTICE WoodlandPaw
  • STATUS Alive
  • THEME SONG Digital Silence

Always the fool that I am, am I not correct?

A outcast warrior to the clan who was misjudged. If only someone could've helped him sooner to guide him to a trail that lights up.

Ferret was supposed to be a happy kit, StarClan didn't know that this young kit would have his life taken a heavy turn. Being mistreated, they tried sending message RiverClan, but was rejected. No cat wanted to help him amd soon letting him become something the clan soon feared due to his actions by erasing half of his clan.

When FerretRipple passes away, he was stumble to see that his path only lead towards the DarkForest. He rejected his warrior name, being known as Fenrir, due to seeing himself not worthy of a warrior due to his bitterness and anger.
















pessimist optimist

Naive Perceptive

Reserved Social

sassy polite

patient foolhardy






FerretRipple is shown to be a cold and ominous towards everyone.

He was formerly a happy go lucky kit, until the accident happened. He became bitter and cold, not talking or making friends with any cats aside his brother and unle growing up. He hated how his clan treated him like trash, if no cat showed him any respect or sympathy then why should he. He became a warrior that even his clan mates get chills from. With little to nothing to say, and never opening up. He still did his warrior duties growing up, he became more mature at a young age. AshStar even consider FerretRipple decent enough to become deputy, but his lack of emotions and communication, along anger towards the smallest thing was not enough to pick him as deputy as AshStar wish the young warrior could calm his temper down and be more friendly.

He gave up on caring for the clan and trying to show he is something than what they assumed of.

Positive Traits
  • Honesty
  • Level headed
  • Able to take leadership
Neutral Traits
  • Straight forward
  • Wise
  • Respectful
Negative Traits
  • Stubborn
  • Anger Issue
  • Closed off
  • MOTHER EgretTail
  • FATHER LarkTooth
  • SIBLINGS FoxSpirit & LynxKit
  • MATE SheepPuddle

Main Summary

With a heavy loss of Ferret's life with his family as a young kit, taking away both of his parents,LarkTooth and EgretTail, along brother, LynxKit. Ferret and his brother Fox became an outcast. Having eachother aid from being shunned by the clan, or to soon becoming one. Ferret grew bitter and vengefulness towards the clan, especially the deputy, RavenLeaf. Being taken under his uncle, WiltingFeather, apprenticeship, it soon taken to the worst of Ferret's life.


FerretKit was born into a loving parents, LarkTooth and EgretTail, along with two brothers, FoxKit and LynxKit. The playful kit was outgoing and loved to be around his family. He looked up to his strong father, and respect his beautiful mother. There was always one cold tom that FerretKit feared the most, his grandpa and RiverClan's deputy, RavenLeaf. He always felt chills and unsafe around him. LarkTooth and RavenLeaf had never saw eye to eye, so when LarkTooth became mates and have kits with EgretTail, RavenLeaf resented his bloodline. So one day RavenLeaf took FoxKit, LynxKit, along with FerretKit to the gorge. EgretTail realized the three was gone, she headed towards the gorge to see her father with her kits. The two began getting into a heated argument resulting FerretKit to lose his mother. LarkTooth soon after RavenLeaf slashed her throat. Raven quickly scooped LynxKit as he was the closes. Throwing LynxKit, knowing LarkTooth would jump in having little faith his kit would live. They didn't. FerretKit and FoxyKit being labeled as "cursed" to their clan mates for the loss of three clan mates in one day. EgretTail's brother, WiltingFeather stepped up to raise the kits. Even though WiltingFeather became their foster dad, Foxkit and FerretKit still stuck by eachother regardless.


As soon as FoxKit and FerretKit became six moons, they both became apprentices. FoxPaw's mentor was FeralDance, while FerretPaw's mentor was WiltingFeather. But it was a terrible mistake. WiltingFeather was a warrior every cat liked but didn't know his true secrets, such as WiltingFeather was the real reason why many clan's warriors show up dead on their territory. So Wilting taught Ferret every secret he had, making FerretPaw his accomplice. FerretPaw didn't like what his uncle did but giving up as FoxPaw was busy being outgoing and making friends. His own brother FerretPaw used to rely on now ignores him, he accepted that this was the fate StarClan wanted. So he matured faster and soon became emotionless. But one day, FerretPaw was covering up WiltingFeather's tracks by fourtrees, noticing a feline, but not some warrior or apprentice he sees at gatherings, her fur was as bright as a StarClan warrior. He tackled the kittypet, being aggressive as he assumed it was someone who will rat him out. The kittypet was playful and friendly towards FerretPaw. He brushed them off and headed back to camp. But as a moon slowly passes, he could not stop thinking about that kittypet, as if she was a faded memory that could never go away. Which lead FerretPaw and the kittypet, Biscuit to meet again at her two legs house and soon more often.


FerretRipple recieve his warrior name, no cat congratulated him but it was something he was expecting. Now FerretRipple is no longer WiltingFeather's apprentice, there is time to time they are around eachother but he keeps his distance. FerretRipple and Biscuit still see eachother every night, sometimes they "accidentally" run into eachother, their friendship slowly blossomed into love, FerretRipple soon began trusting and opening up to Biscuit about everything he went through. He felt like a fool about how he followed his uncles footsteps but Biscuits is willing to look past that. Not too long though FerretRipple recieved his first apprentice, WoodlandPaw. The training has tension as WoodlandPaw feared of her mentor due to how 'scary' he is. They never properly bond but WoodlandPaw soon began trust her mentor but not fully. RavenLeaf began getting into more arguments with FerretRipple, as FoxSpirit was no where in sight to stand up for him like back when they were kits. FerretRipple and RavenLeaf arguments soon began turning into phsycial fights. But one of the fights RavenLeaf dropped a information about his parents, which caused FerretRipple to spiral in the middle of the camp. FerretRipple began planning his revenge against RavenLeaf. The night Biscuit was going to tell FerretRipple he was going to be a father, was the night FerretRipple lead a pack of farm dogs back to RiverClan camp at night. Wiping out half of his clan mates, even RavenLeaf and FoxSpirit. FerretRipple had no regrets. Biscuits soon joined the clan, being named SheepPuddle. FerretRipple and SheepPuddle have one beautiful son, RootKit.

  • Preffix Ferret  His sneaky self, along with colour of his fur of a ferret
  • Suffix Ripple  A graceful warrior.
  • KIT -  FerretKit
  • APPRENTICE ━  FerretPaw
  • Fishing
  • Hunting
  • Stargazing
  • Wars/Fights
  • Fire
  • Strong Scent

  • Tracking
  • Hunting
  • Leadership
  • Fighting
  • Climbing
  • Impatience
  • FerretRipple is an outcast of his clan, which is hard for him to open up.
  • When he goes to the dark forest, Ferret wouldn't regret anything he did to lead him there. Only that he couldn't be the father MistletoeKit needed growing up.
  • He was born with one blind eye.
  • BREED Norwegian Forest
  • BODY TYPE Muscular, large bodies
  • BUILD Large
  • HEIGHT 11 inches
  • SEX/DSAB Male
  • SCARS Under belly small scar
  • SCENT Fresh water
  • PELT COLOUR Main coat dark brown
  • FUR LENGTH Long thick coat
  • EYES COLOUR Redish - amber
  • WEIGHT 7.5 kg
  • DESIGNER CalpicoClouds
  • WORTH n/a

FerretRipple's pov, his left eye is showing to be blind. But viewers pov is shown to be right.

Ferret is a large, muscular, thick coat sire with a mix of dark brown / dark grey along with brown markings. He has a average size feathery tail. Brown ear tufts. The dark color fur on his body ends infront of his back legs but takes a turn on his back, making it look like a triangle. While the other half is a slight lighter color from the back. His tail tip is a light brown. He has a small scar on his underbelly but is more shown on his right side in the reference sheet. He has redish - amber eyes like his father. He has a small brown heart on his thick coated chest.

Ferret looks more like his father LarkTooth.

 Uncle / Mentor -

After LarkTooth, EgretTail, and LynxKit passing due to the incident. WiltingFeather, EgretTail's brother, was willing to become a den dad to FoxKit and FerretKit. Overjoy the two thought to spend time with their uncle soon became bitter. WiltingFeather was heavily strict towards the two as they continue to grow, never speaking about stories of their parents. Soon WiltingFeather became FerretPaw's mentor. But it taken a heavy turn to only find out that WiltingFeather will do ANYTHING for the respect of AshStar even if it is meaning to murder off his clan mates. FerretPaw became WiltingFeather's accomplice, due to no cat would help FerretPaw and so he listened. Thinking this was for the best for the clan, to become the best warrior for the clan.

 Mate -

Aside Ferret always remembering his mother being the most beautiful she, he though his mate SheepPuddle was breath taking. A thousand star could never describe how much beauty and love he has for this dame. It took the sire awhile for him to open up to the former kittypet but more "accidentally" meeting by four trees. He couldn't stop thinking of when they first met. He slowly opened up for the first time. His feelings blossom more into feelings and wanting to be more with Biscuit. Knowing their love was more, and soon to expecting kits, Ferret was willing to leave clan life to be with Biscuit, only for her to surprise him by joining the clan and taking the name SheepPuddle. He was overjoy to not hide his love for her.
