Aurelio Sinclair



5 years, 11 months ago


  • Name

  • Age 23
  • Gender Male
  • Species Aerolin
  • Sexuality Gay
  • Taken? Yes

"Write a quote here....."

Aurelio is the son of mob boss Argento Sinclair, and because of this he’s the heir to the Sinclair mafia and it’s most current underboss. Aurelio suffers from chronic chest pains and asthma however it’s not as bad as it used to be in the past; Though his chest pains can still leave him bedridden on some days. Though he doesn’t seem like the type to go out of his way to do something people would label as “impossible” Aurelio has literally done the impossible when it comes to helping Vice, a ghost, get a new body.

Aurelio is a smart man, he’s good with money, incredibly organized, and is usually calm and collected. However his calm and collected nature didn’t stop him from holding a grudge against Sal, after Sal had killed his crush. Because of this nasty crush Aurelio had gotten a plan for revenge, though well planned things had gone wrong and this caused Aurelio to get his friends killed and led to him going berserker.


Height: 5’7”
Build: Thin
Demeanor: Mature
  • Being underboss
  • Fancy Clothes
  • Neck jewelry
  • Sleeping In
  • his new found confidence
  • The Provenzano
  • Getting Nightmares
  • His Older Cousin
  • Conny being a bitch



History (wip)

When Aurelio was a child things weren’t too peachy for him. He always had to deal with his older cousin Kayn. Kayn was cruel, often mocking Aurelio for his Provenzano blood. When Aurelio was 10 years old Kayn had dragged him into the basement insisting that Aurelio tries to talk to the ghosts that inhabit the area. Aurelio, frightened, did not want to talk to the angry spirits. When he tried to leave the basement Kayn had flung the boy against the wall using his tail. The impact of the tail against his chest had caused Aurelio to break three ribs. This left him with asthma and chronic pains. Aurelio’s only saving grace was his father Luca, who had stayed with him in the infirmary until he had gotten better.

When Aurelio was 18 the newest maid, Bayonetta had been hired. Aurelio started a quick friendship with her, she was easy to talk to and was pretty cool about most things. However this ends up turning on Aurelio after Kayn had tried flirting with the new maid only to get rejected. Kayn, pissed off that Bayonetta prefered Aurelio, beats Aurelio up. Aurelio ends up getting his ribs broken again, only to have it framed as “Aurelio falling down the stairs” by Kayn. The doctor, Ethan, accepts this. Now once again infirmary bound Aurelio spends his time talking with Bayonetta.

Aurelio starts getting all buddy-buddy with some cops as a way to help the family, he finds and meets up with dirty cops and pretty much befriends them for information. Aurelio meets one cop who’s a BCU officer, which comes in handy when your dad is a berserker. Aurelio gets really close with this guy and pretty much gets a crush on him while he’s the for “rehab” duty. This guy ends up getting killed by Sal as a warning kill. Aurelio, not processing the fact it was a warning kill, wants revenge. So he sets off one night with his other cop buds in hopes to kill Sal. Aurelio, being a mage, gets a future sight of him and friends all dead. Aurelio chooses to ignore this because the future sight is only right sometimes. Once the attack commences things go wrong really quick. Aurelio’s friends get killed by Scourge and Mal, and after being attacked by Sal, Aurelio goes berserker as a defense mechanism. He ends up running away back home to his father Argento. Once he’s home Aurelio is still in shock about everything that happened, he’s covered in the black blood of his friends. He goes to wipe off the blood on his cheeks, finding the new silver blood that has taken its place after Aurelio had gone berserker. The last thing Aurelio really remembers about that night was being held by Argento once he got home, everything after that is all blurry.

Now friendless Aurelio finds himself lonely, confused, and with the loss of his future vision, scared. The change into berserker wasn’t easy. Even more so when Kayn had kept trying to provoke him into raging. Thankfully, Aurelio wouldn’t have to deal with him long, considering that Kayn soon disappears. Aurelio has no clue as to what happened to him, but he’s thankful to the gods that Kayn isn’t in the house anymore. Plus with Kayn being gone now Aurelio is the heir to the Sinclair family, which also means he’s the new underboss! Aurelio fits into his job perfectly, he’s smart, well managed, and an incredibly organized person. However things would get to be,,, a little funky soon. Aurelio had caught the attention of a ghost, and not any ghost. He attracted the attention of Vice.



[ relationship ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.



[ relationship ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.



[ relationship ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.
